1 - The FBI's decision changes the conversation of the election and undermines Clinton. "This will just hang out there as a dark cloud allowing people – especially undecided voters who have been wavering – to be reminded of why they have been having a rough time coming to grips with voting for Clinton in the first place."
2 - It could supercharge Clinton's drop in the polls as Trump is rising.
3 - Millennials, distrusting of both candidates, may run from Clinton. "News like this only raises doubts among a group that has not been very enthusiastic toward her candidacy."
4 - The email affair reminds people of their dislike of Clinton. "Regardless of the decades of public service and advocacy, Bill and Hillary Clinton always seem to have the smell of self-aggrandizement surrounding them."
5 - Linking former Rep. Anthony Weiner and the FBI probe of his sexting to Clinton is unhelpful. "The last name she or any Democrat needs to hear right now is Anthony Weiner. Whether this is fair or not, it will be very difficult for Clinton to take the high moral ground when the lowest of the low is linked to her and her campaign."
ED: And yes, it is a 'binary' race, (Republican OR Democrat only!)
Have you noticed the body-face-language of lying Crooked Hillary? When she needs to think, she looks down and closes her eyes, or says, "Ahhh". When she wants to look presidential she pokes the air, and when she has something memorized and practiced for emphasis, her eyes open wide.
This very interesting article helps identify when Crooked Hillary is lying through her teeth. Then, of course, there is the practiced cheshire-cat smile.
Her practiced cheshire-cat smile comes on when she is trapped and has no defense. It's written in England that this has lost her a lot of likeabilty/popularity/votes.
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