Saturday, October 15, 2016


Trump is not the “LESSER-OF-TWO-EVILS”  .!.
Johnson and Hill/Bill are the EVILs (the two-fer) !!

Trump is more like Founding Fathers than the
so-called ‘conservative’ Republicans who failed.
He is willing to fight against the ESTABLISHMENT.

Rather than being a bad choice, Trump is the BEST!

Here are the points of Trump’s POSITIVE MESSAGE:
Many will vote Trump (secretly) when it counts        .
     on Tuesday, November 8th.  His MESSAGE:            .
       1. Foreign Policy Speech                                     .
       2. Economy Policy Speech                                   .
       3. The WALL and Immigration                             .
       4. Child-care Policy, Maternity Leave                  .
       5. Anti-Terrorism Policy, Crush ISIS                     .
       6. Trade Deals with nations, not TPP, NAFTA      .
       7. Energy, including coal jobs                              .
       8. Local-level Education, toss Common Core      .
       9. Iran Nuke Deal                                                 .
      10. Restoring ‘Law and Order’                             .
      11. Vets and Veterans’ Affairs                              .
      12. Make Black Americans GREAT AGAIN!            .
      13. Military Policy/Objectives                               .
      14. NATO and allied nations pay their way           .
      15. Clinton Cash, Lobbyists, blackmail by nations.

Add to that the most important and critical promise: 
To select from the 20 conservatives for Supreme Court
proposed by Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society .!.

Finally, it is Trump’s positive message that wins. 

He says, “Believe me” for a reason, it’s TRUE! 

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