Sunday, October 2, 2016

Trump’s Landslide is Destiny

Trump’s Landslide is Destiny, IF American citizens don’t once again fail in morality.

Omarosa will deliver the Landslide to Donald J. Trump.  She is the beautiful Black American interfacing to Black churches and Black communities.  This will continue up until Nov. 8th Tuesday voting.   She was one of the contestants on Trump’s TV show—he helped her after she was ‘fired’.   She now praises Trump highly, since H.Clinton has such a lot to attack, truly, and Trump has so many positives. SHE BELIEVES DONALD J. TRUMP .!.   She is a wonderful and lovely woman, now married to a Black minister, herself also a minister. She is AMAZING! 

In the Black community there are strong family-values, especially with those attending Black churches.  As they learn how Trump can help, “What do you have to lose?” they see they should vote Trump in. Can you even imagine 25% of Black American citizens voting Trump, up from 7% .?. This is HUGE!!!

And then there is this comment from someone famous: “20 million will vote for Donald J. Trump, and then deny it the next day.”  The polls may be thought to be ‘close’ but not in reality.  

A third aspect is the MOMENTUM of the MESSENGER and the MOVEMENT.  Many will vote who do not usually vote.  On the other hand, there is negative momentum for Mrs Clinton.  It will only get worse for her and the Third Debate and what follows will pound her campaign into the ground.

A fourth aspect is what Republican leaders and reps have brought upon themselves, with their inaction and support of Obama bad policy!  Democrats will vote for Trump since he is anti-ESTABLISHMENT.  Republican voters will have no choice—they will not stay home like they did when Romney ran.

So the fifth aspect of the Trump Landslide will be Republicans voting (some secretly) for Trump over H.Clinton, even in Utah.  Who wants another term of Obama-Progressive-Liberalism?

SIXTH ASPECT: In the end, it is Trump’s positive message that will win.  He says, “Believe me” for a reason.  Even Glenn Beck will vote Trump (secretly) when it counts on Tuesday, November 8th.
       1. Foreign Policy Speech
       2. Economy Policy Speech
       3. The WALL and Immigration
       4. Child-care Policy, Maternity Leave
       5. Anti-Terrorism Policy, Crush ISIS
       6. Trade Deals with nations, not TPP, NAFTA
       7. Energy, including coal jobs    
       8. Local-level Education, toss Common Core
       9. Iran Nuke Deal
      10. Restoring ‘Law and Order’
      11. Vets and Veterans’ Affairs
      12. Make Black Americans GREAT AGAIN!
      13. Military Policy/Objectives
      14. NATO and allied nations pay their way
      15. Clinton Cash, Lobbyists, blackmail by nations

Add to that other promises: 
select from 21 conservatives for Supreme Court
proposed by Heritage Foundation, etc. and etcetera   .!.

God raised up a man of God to save the Constitution and America, and the citizens of America failed and voted for the EVIL ESTABLISHMENT over Mitt Romney.  Now, God raises up another in Donald J. Trump, America’s second and last chance and hope: In the words of Misty Mays’ coach, “Believe, Breathe, Battle!”  God calls upon every man and woman to do their part!  Make it happen—Keep the Constitution and the nation God provided us, the happiest people on Earth. 


Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Where are the comments/discussions? One can assume no one reads here.

In the words repeated by a great former manager at Northrop:
"When you 'assume', you make an ass of you and me: '' ..."

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

TRUE, so True ... (the POST, that is, not the lack of COMMENTS!)