Sunday, October 2, 2016

LDS October World Conference

Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
     (“186th Semi-Annual General Conference©” )
President Thomas S. Monson presiding — Henry B. Eyring conducted; Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

Since there are transcripts, summaries, video, plus commentary, ours are brief/specific.  New temples throughout the world are always celebrated, including an open house and dedication. Between sessions, BYU TV has LDS News specials of service around the world, disaster relief includes refugees.
Will there be ‘secular’ comments?  We expect saying, “Jesus, and only Jesus Christ, can solve it all.”
Look to  for our secular comments (and some religion of Christ).
Scroll down herein to link to the online summaries of each of the sessions of conference!
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President Thomas S. Monson presiding — Henry B. Eyring conducting; Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf:   How blessed we are to assemble, w/Pres.Monson.  In 1994, changed from professional to Church work, including a personal computer. We were not on the friendliest terms. It was a rocky transition with a block wall as the learning curve.  I have eMail, Twitter, Facebook, and digital camera.  I do all right.

The more adept we get with technology, the more we take it for granted.

Sadly, we sometimes take such an attitude in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Understand that you are a child of God, and Jesus Christ suffered in the Atonement for your sins.   We tread the path scattered with diamonds—but we can scarcely distinguish them from pebbles.

I invite you to seek, study, and find the simple truths of the Divine Plan of Salvation.   In Belfast, “What shall we give in return for such richness.”   Share God’s Plan of Happiness with our fellowman.   Some day, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, that Jesus is the Christ.

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Elder Hales:   “Grandfather, if I loved you more, would you hurt less?”  Love your enemies; pray for them that despitefully use you.  Replace contention with love. Our Christian love and service begins in the home. Schools used to teach moral values.  Turn more to forgiveness; teach children to love one another and serve each other.  Keep my commandments.  The Christus has outstreached hands.

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RS:    Shall not God avenge?  Nevertheless, when He comes again, will He find Faith? 
This was another fantastic talk, by a sister leader of Primary, or Young Women or RS.

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Choir & Congregation: “Redeemer of Israel”
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Craig Christiansen   Antagonists fought against Joseph Smith; now, raging continues on the Internet.
Consider the fruits and many evidences that came because of the great prophet, Joseph Smith.
We know that marriage and families are part of God’s Eternal Plan. We have an unbroken chain of modern-day prophets.  The priesthood of God is once again on the Earth.

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Elder Juan Uceda served in Peru, including a near-death experience on an ancient Inca mountain path.

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J.D. Cornish   We are never ‘totally good enough’ but can be ‘acceptable before the Lord.’  Ask HIM what He thinks of us; discouragement is Satan’s tool.  Keep repenting and don’t rebel. Come back and live with Heavenly Father as families, forever. 

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Choir:  “Take Time to be Holy”
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Neal Anderson:  Daniel lived in captivity, and revealed to the King:  “A stone shall be cut out of the mountain, never to be destroyed but to stand forever.”  Members of the Church today are few but in all nations on Earth. The Gospel rolls forth to the ends of the Earth—a miracle set in place a puzzle-piece at a time, little-by-little. [computer-generated visual]  Each of us is a piece of the puzzle and sets on place other pieces of the puzzle, filling gaps.  Then the Great Jehovah will return in great majesty and glory.  “Now is the time” and it rests upon us all.  Strengthen the Kingdom of God. Stand as a witness of God, at all times and in all places, reflecting how we live and speak.  Speak of Christ’s incomparable gifts. “He who confessed my name before man, his name will I confess before Father.”  Some nations have restricted our missionaries, which allows greater courage, like in Ukraine.   To our amazing youth around the world, I give a special challenge:  you come with online technology: the Lord needs you.  “Go ye therefore, teaching all nations…”  It is not by chance you live in Asia, Africa, or North or South America.   The Dream is certain and the interpretation is sure.  Be prepared for the days to come, when the Son of Man comes down in his glory.
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Choir:  “ … do not weary by the way … brighter day!”  End of Sat.AM session.
Postlude while the prophet and general authorities walk out, “Sweet Hour of Prayer”
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Sat.afternoon session: 350 young missionaries sang—usual sustaining by members.
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Quinton Cook: “I want to see that power-pole in my vista view—I won’t have to carry water.” My stumbling block was a strength to him. Do not fall into doubt and stumbling blocks: like false doctrine and the philosophy of men. Paul taught with spirit and power, not the words of man.  Words in the music “Messiah” comes from 1 Corinthians chapter 15, about Christ.  Prophesied:  There will be a great test of faith and sifting.  Deeply held values are challenged by causes of the moment, many not righteous. A few will be deceived or offended, the stumbling blocks thereof.  The blindness of the Jews came from ‘looking beyond the mark’ for the Messiah when He was among them.  Another example of looking beyond the mark is extensive end-of-days preparation.  Some elevate a cause above basic devotion to the Savior.  Be valiant in the testimony of Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice. Avoid those that lessen belief in Christ.

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Gary Stevenson:  Mary Rawlings was not too young to receive a testimony of the Book of Mormon: it is “the most correct book and the keystone of our religion.”  As a youth, I served my mission in Japan.  The Book of Mormon was written for you, and for this day.  Prophets then, saw you in visions.  Young people spend an average of 7hrs a day w/electronics:  give 10min/day and enjoy via your device or book.  

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Choir and congregation:  “Called to Serve Him” theme song of our young and olde missionaries.
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Todd Christofferson:  God’s Love is there for you, whether you feel it is deserved or not—for everyone on Earth.  How do we respond to his love?   Repentance is His gift to us, purchased at great sacrifice.  Be the children of Father in Heaven, and love everyone, even enemies.  Final judgment includes the good we have done, and what we have become.  

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Mark Bassett:  Delight in the scriptures, those that we have.  It is impossible to find out all of God’s ways.  Seek not to counsel the Lord, but take counsel from His hand.  There is a Lord’s timetable.  Receive personal revelation in plainness rather than leaning on unknown sources.  Human nature has not changed and His pattern of revelation is timeless.  Isaiah 55.  All things denote there is a Creator.

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K. Yamashita:   In Northern Japan, the third temple in Japan has been completed/dedicated.  I speak to the young, the older can listen.  Inscription:  “Boys, be ambitious for Christ.”  Find joy by focusing on Christ.

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Choir:  “I’ll go where you want me to go, dear Lord” … “say what you want me to say” … “I’ll be what you want me to be.”  President Uchtdorf thanks the “handsome and beautiful young missionaries.”
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Dallin Oaks:  All Christians are commanded to go into all nations.  God loves all of his children, and in these last days has bestowed additional knowledge and power.   It is a joyful privilege, with many resources:  TV, radio, and social media.  Be more effective in the entire world.  Share with those who have never heard His name, those satisfied and those dissatisfied with their lives.  In addition to praying for the missionaries, pray for what we individually can do, and then act.  Find those the Lord has prepared.  Many who are suspicious of churches have a love for the Savior—introduce the Gospel of Christ first. Social Media is a unique opportunity, “loose their thumbs, not just tongues.”
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Choir closing hymn:  “Hope of Israel”  Prayer: “We look forward to the day we can stand before thee, and be embraced by thy son.”   

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Saturday evening, Priesthood session, age 12-112  Opening hymn “Ye Elders of Israel”
Invocation and another Hymn:  “Love at Home” 
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Jeffrey Holland:  The monthly home teaching program serves all members, where possible.  Throughout the world, use wisdom to establish schedules. Prioritize to those who need it the most.  Phone, eMail, social media, visits at church, etc, to encourage and help. Be emissaries of the Lord to his children. What matters is to love your assigned people and serve them. 

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LeGrand Curtis, Jr:  Due to false information, Ghana closed missionary/church activities in 1989.    Members helped each other and others joined.  ‘The Freeze’ was resolved.  Read the Book of Mormon and follow its teaching.  It testifies of Christ and God’s true church on the Earth today.  We see of Christ’s resurrected visit to ancient America.

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Choir and congregation:  “Now Let Us Rejoice”  
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Dieter Uchtdorf:  Alma the younger sought to destroy the work of his father in the church in ancient America.  He was the Twitter celebrity of his day, an angel changed him; then he didn’t like seeing people in contention.  He chose to resign from government and serve in the Church to call repentance. He successed in all but one city which he left, but an angel told him to return. Another took him in and became a champion of Truth. How am I like the helper and what can I do?  Alma’s message was not, “Stand back—I’ll handle this”  but rather, “Come, follow me—together, we can do this.”  Helpers are waiting to hear, “The Lord needs you.” 

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Henry Eyring:  The Aaronic Priesthood prepares young men to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood.  Raise their sites of themselves via home teaching and priesthood callings.  Help the young feel they can call on the power of God.  Choices are important:  watch your thoughts, words, and deeds. 

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President Monson:  Specific directions were given Joseph Smith in the ‘Word of Wisdom’ for good health and added stamina.  Blessings will ensue by living by the Word of Wisdom; may this be true.
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Priesthood Choir:  “Is there sunshine in your heart today?”   Benediction 
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Sunday AM: President Monson presiding; Dieter Uchtdorf conducing; Tabernacle Choir sings:
Hymn:  “In Songs of Praise”  The broadcast from the SLC Conf.Ctr goes worldwide to Stk.Ctrs
and via BYU TV, plus   live on your computer, FYI.

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President Monson:  Visited the Mormon Pavilion at the first showing of “Man’s Search for Happiness:  Where did I come from?  Why am I here? And Where am I going?”  in NYC 1964 World Fair.  This is shared by our missionaries throughout the world.  We need to know God’s Laws, and obey them.  Heavenly Father does nothing that is not for our benefit.  I leave you my love and blessing.

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Next president, Russell M. Nelson:  Prophecies have said perilous times come.  Many become servants of Satan, with wickedness in high places:  corruption in business and government—what can help us?  Book of Mormon prophet Lehi, and Nephi, left Jerusalem in 600bc.  He prophesied, “Man is that he might have JOY.”  We are here to have Joy?  The answer is a resounding YES!   In 1838, Saints fled in winter the ‘Mormon Extermination Order” to the West.  Jesus’s Gospel is the source of all joy, “Joy to the world—the Lord has come!”  That is why our missionaries leave their homes to preach the gospel to the world—it is not to increase LDS Church membership—but rather to bring the people of the world, Joy.   To endure the Atonement, Christ focused on the joy ahead, including living with the redeemed. Anything that opposes Christ and his Gospel interrupts our joy.  The unrighteous will experience any number of emotions but will never experience full JOY.  When we forgive and live heavenly laws, we experience joy.  From Psalms, “I have set God before me; … in his presence is full joy.”  I so testify in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Choir:  “On this day of JOY and GLADNESS”  6/8 time meter.  Aah-le-lew-yeh … Children of the promise…  “…   Singing praises to our Lord and KING!”
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Peter Meurs:  From the sacrament prayer, “That we always remember Him and keep His commandments…”  King Benjamin taught the Natural Man is an enemy to God. Come to Christ.

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Linda Reeves:  Sins are completely gone, with repentance and the Atonement by Christ. She served with her husband, as Mission-Mom and Mission President of the Riverside California Mission.  However late you think you are, etc, you have not traveled beyond the reach of Divine Love.  The greatest miracles in life are not the parting of the Red Sea, but in our personal lives.

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Choir and congregation:  “I am a child of God”  a primary (age 3-11) song that all reverence!
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Russell Ballard:  I led a tour including the upper room in Jerusalem, “That they might be one, like we are one.”  Our precious relationships with family, God, friends should be cherished. Today is no different: some struggle to understand a specific doctrine or practice or history.  Others become weary in well doing and vacillate. “To whom shall I go?” Peter answered Christ when He asked, “Will you [disciples] leave me also?”  Neil Maxwell, “We must not assume that when something is not explainable to us, that it is unexplainable.”  Where else will you go to learn what you need to know to return to Heavenly Father? Where will you go to find living prophets and apostles to lead through the challenges of the day?  Where will you go to find others with your values you need for your families?  Where will you go to experiences the eternal values of the Temple? There is nothing wrong with ‘pausing on the path’ and refreshing with refreshing waters of Christ.  Sometimes we just need to trust and hope.  My prayer is that we encourage, accept, and understand, those struggling with their faith—we are all on different levels on the path.  God and Christ are at the helm of Olde Shipp Zion. He will rebuke the storm, “PEACE, be still!”  Even the storms obey His will, and He will never abandon His Church.  There is no other name and no other way to Salvation. He denieth none that come unto Him:  Black and White, rich and poor, etc. He can save them all.

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Dean Davies:  Christ visited ancient America after the crucifixion, after great destruction through the whole earth.  When He descended from Heaven, the people fell at his feet.  He invited them to come forward and feel the prints of the names in his hands and feet. Accept Christ as King.  Governments should also. [(?)]  Understand the purposes of God and His relationship to man.   Observe the ‘Sabbath Day’.  It is impossible to say we love God when we have no charity for those around us. 

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Lynn Robbins:   Christ is the righteous judge—we should also judge righteously.  Pharisees misjudged Christ because he ate with sinners, as they ignored their own sins. Even James and John wanted fire to come down and destroy Christ attackers:  He told his disciples, “Ye know not what spirit you have [in this]”  to discipline the Lord’s way is to teach and lead back. The bishop is the common-judge in the Church and holds the keys to unlock the personal prison.  Repentance can bring “all the Father hath.”  Parents have the daily opportunity to be a righteous judge to children, with patience.  “The way you see a child, is the way you treat them—and the way you treat them, is the way they will become”, Goethe.  “What manner of men and women ought ye to be?  Even as I AM”, Jesus Christ in modern scripture.

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Choir:  “My Heavenly Father Loves Me”  Primary song.  “Whenever I see…  whenever I touch…”
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Henry B. Eyring:  My dear brothers and sisters of the Church spread out throughout the world. I speak of Gratitude, particularly on the Sabbath Day. For Latter-day Saints, the Sabbath is a day of gratitude and love. The early Saints were given a revelation on the Sabbath Day:  “Love the Lord thy God…and in the name of Jesus Christ, thou shalt serve Him.  Offer a sacrifice of a contract heart and a contrite spirit.  …  In nothing does man offend God, except they confess not His hand [and has no gratitude.]”   Be grateful for health to be in the weekly sacrament meeting [in freedom]. We serve for the Master on the Sabbath day.  The Lord is building his Kingdom on Earth with little fanfare.  I served in Germany.  Temples have been built throughout the world.  The love of God increases throughout the Church, especially in trials from the world.  He makes us cheerful, as well as strong. Pray to know what the Lord would have you do for your family and others.  Act on the answers coming to you. Joy will come to you, I so promise, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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Choir:  “Come, Ye Faithful People, Come”   a Thanksgiving hymn, in special arrangement. 1st Sops rule!
Prayer:  “Heavenly Father, we love thee …”   Postlude:  “Count Your Many Blessings…See what God Hath Done.”  Everyone stands in reverence as the Prophet exits, slowly;  Apostles and their wives follow.  
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Each session is allocated 2hrs, with 2yr breaks in between.  BYUtv shows MormonNews clips:
Hanoi, Vietnam, recently recognized the LDS Church, meeting in Hanoi with Elder Cook [smiles!]
Dieter Uchtdorf talks in Rome about supporting religious refugees throughout the world.
Jeffrey Holland went to London to coordinate with UN leadership to help refugees going to Italy. has video and explanations, including the 2016 World Report.
“There are things worse than death …  Those that live without Freedom” … Joan of Arc, BYU tv movie.

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Sunday.PM:  186th Semiannual General Conference.   Mormon Tabernacle Choir:
“Oh say, What is Truth?”  Invocation;   Choir:  “Lead, Kindly Light” 
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David Bednar:  He that doeth the will of the Father enters Heaven: not everyone that saith, “Lord, Lord…”  The Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible changes “I never knew you” to “Ye never knew me.”  And for the unprepared virgins at the wedding of Christ and the Church, “Ye know me not.”  Faith without Works is dead—be doers of the word, not hearers only. We are never alone when we work in His vineyard, “I will go before your face … angels will bear you up.”  Serving others is serving God.  On a future day, “every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” and He knows each of us.

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Brian Ashton:   Scriptures define the ‘doctrine of Christ’ as faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism [in Christ’s Church], and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost—then remaining faithful.  

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Carl Cook:  Serve together in the Church, like truck compound-gear. [visual] Service is the very fiber of Eternal Life.  The manual, Teaching in the Savior’s Way helped a new convert teach Primary.  Every calling and assignment is important.  Ask your bishop, “How can I serve?”  Serve a mission—serve your neighbor. 

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Choir and congregation:  “High on a Mountain Top, a banner is unfurled…”
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Ronald Rasband:  Primary song, “Heavenly Father, are you really there?”  You are a son or daughter of a loving Heavenly Father.  Christ’s final hours were brutal—far beyond our comprehension.  Quoting, “When [the devil] sends his mighty winds, ye shall not fall.”  No one wants to be with [Satan]. Avoid things that do not build or mock your beliefs. “But to be learned is good, IF they harken to the Word of God.”  Generations are affected by the choices we make;  record in journals. My ancestors came to America from Denmark, the father dying at sea. I will remember my heritage and their sacrifice. Cherish personal inspirations and revelations, “lest we forget.”  Avoid counterfeit ‘truths’ and remain prayerful. Do not forget your Divine Destiny to return to Father—your heritage as a son or daughter of God.

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Evan Schmutz:  There can be Godly purpose in our suffering.  Endure trials well, benefit, and learn. “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Keep eternal perspective. Help those in need.  Be tutors in the path to eternal life.  My heart was broken in the Philippines. Wade through the furnace of your own personal struggles:  have Faith in Christ. Rather than us passing through trials, they must pass through us to benefit, taught Neal Maxwell.  Even darkest nights are temporary.  Christ will wipe away all tears.

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Brett Nattress:  Do your children know that you know?  And more importantly, do they know for themselves?  Your children are worth every effort—Mothers in Zion are angels.  Motherhood is near to divinity.  Our children know the Savior.  We teach them to serve others.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is about ‘the one’ — One lost sheep, etc.  He knows each of us by name.

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Choir:  “I Will Follow Him in Faith”
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Dale Renlund: [new Apostle with roots from Sweden]   From Doctrine and Covenants  “By this ye shall know when a man repents:  he will forsake his sins and do them no more, and I, the Lord, remembereth [the sins] no more.”  Minimizing our mistakes removes motivation to change.

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Choir:   “Let Us All Press On   in the work of the Lord;  that when life is o’er we may gain a reward.”   Fear not, though the enemy deride;  the Lord is no our side. We will heed not what the wicked may say, but the Lord alone we will obey.  Etc.”  If we do what’s right we have no need to fear.

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LDS Hymnbook Lyrics : “Let Us All Press On”
1. Let us all press on in the work of the Lord,
That when life is o'er we may gain a reward;
In the fight for right let us wield a sword,
The mighty sword of truth.
Fear not, though the enemy deride;
Courage, for the Lord is on our side.
We will heed not what the wicked may say,
But the Lord alone we will obey.
(Chorus: Alto, Tenor, and Bass)
Fear not, courage, though the enemy deride;
We must be victorious, for the Lord is on our side.
We'll not fear the wicked nor give heed to what they say,
But the Lord, our Heav'nly Father, him alone we will obey.
2. We will not retreat, though our numbers may be few
When compared with the opposite host in view;
But an unseen pow'r will aid me and you
In the glorious cause of truth.
3. If we do what's right we have no need to fear,
For the Lord, our helper, will ever be near;
In the days of trial his Saints he will cheer,
And prosper the cause of truth.
Text and music: Evan Stephens, 1854-1930

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1 comment:

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Ted Walsh writes in the Deseret News ... Here are clips:

"A theme of love wove through many of the day's 18 talks, the "soul-expanding doctrine of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
Though some governments have restricted the work of Mormon missionaries, thousands join the LDS Church each week, …healthy advice for judging one's own efforts. ED: Topics included.
1. Perfect love
2. Practical sharing
3. Missionary mindset
4. Lord's emissaries
5. Path of diamonds, below:
“President Uchtdorf spoke earlier Saturday and encouraged Mormons to maintain awe and gratitude for the gifts of the gospel and church membership.
"In this church, we have been given so much," he said, adding that "Life-changing truths are before our eyes and at our fingertips, but sometimes we sleepwalk on the path of discipleship. Too often we let ourselves be distracted by the imperfections of our fellow-members instead of following the example of our Master. We tread a path covered with diamonds, but we can scarcely distinguish them from ordinary pebbles."
President Uchtdorf issued an invitation to act on the motto of the Belfast Coat of Arms: "What shall we give in return for so much?"
"Let us in word and deed share with our fellowmen the amazing and awe-inspiring message of God’s plan of happiness," he said. "Let our motive be our love for God and for his children, for they are our brothers and sisters. This is the beginning of what we can do in return for so much."
One way church members take the gospel for granted is to trip over spiritual stumbling blocks, impediments to belief and progress, said Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Twelve. He listed three examples. Of the first — the philosophies of men …