Friday, October 14, 2016

In a very close race, the House will vote for Trump

"Utah Mormons" hope that they can vote in the little-known former CIA agent and good LDS member, Evan McMullin.

The following paragraph is from

David Evan McMullin (born April 2, 1976) is an American politician, the former chief policy director for the House Republican Conference in the U.S. House of Representatives, and a former CIA operations officer. He has also been a Volunteer Refugee Resettlement Officer for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Jordan, as well as an employee of the Investment Banking Division at Goldman Sachs.

So what will happen if Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and other lesser candidates prevent Trump from winning the expected landslide against Crooked Hillary?  Donald J. Trump or Mrs Clinton need to have a simple but absolute majority of 50% to be elected.  (Not the US popular vote, but the Electoral College vote.)

If no candidate achieves the absolute majority, then the US House of Representatives selects via repeated voting from among the top three candidates:  that would be Trump, Crooked Hillary, and Gary Johnson, the socialist-Leftist-Progressive.  Who do you think the Republican House of Representatives will choose on the first ballot?

There is no way that Evan McMullin would succeed (unless he can bumps Gary Johnson from third place.)

Let's back up and assess the candidates in this order:

Hillary Clinton (and Bill Clinton) cannot win going to the Republican House of Representatives, we think. She would have to win an absolute majority of Electoral College votes on Nov. 8th, being formally voted at the Electoral College vote later. The way she is sinking, this is very, very unlikely.  On the other hand, many Democrats are not voting for her, but the 'D' by her name.

Donald J. Trump could win, nobody knows. Polling will be more accurate just seven days before the election, and also, 40% are voting absentee early voting, mailed in. Trump should be winning with that, but it won't be announced formally until Nov. 8th, late Tuesday evening.  Donald Trump has all the conservative points, more than true Republicans could ever hope for.  It all comes down to "Believe me!" he says quite often. Why not believe him, we do!  Unless something happens, Trump support will be solid and growing.

The anti-ESTABLISHMENT unrest and MOVEMENT started before Donald Trump.  Even Barack Hussein Obama speaks to this.  So the MESSENGER for the MESSAGE seems to be a God-send in Donald J. Trump.

This election is different than any other because Republicans have never fought back like Trump has.  There are many other reasons also, such as people reluctant to say they support Trump. "Twenty million will secretly vote for Trump and deny it the next day."  You won't know until November 9th.

Gary Johnson has no chance of winning the Oval Office since if it goes to the House for a vote from among the top three, only Trump would get the vote.

Evan McMullin could win the six electoral college votes from Utah, or not. Older Republicans see the necessity of stopping Hill & Bill. The momentum is rising for him, no legislative experience, no connections on the Hill, slim chance to win in a vote-off in the House.  Still, some LDS look for the hail-Mary since they consider it a vote of conscience. First he has to beat out Gary Johnson for third place or he won't be in the House vote-off if there even is one.

Here's how the Electoral College vote would be conducted, among the top three:

"Each state delegation has one vote."  Discussion and voting continues until one is selected president.  The voting for the Vice President would proceed in similar manner in the Senate.

If Romney endorses McMullin late, then Utah would vote for Evan McMullin to have the six Utah votes.  The more we think of this, it may be the prophesied "Constitution will hang by a thread, and be saved by the Elders of Israel." Then again, this may be wistful dreaming. This all started with Mitt Romney condemning Trump on Day One! 


Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Utah explained, somewhat … (It’s rather easy)
Usually 75% Republican, the vote is split three ways, mainly: Trump, H.Clinton, and Mormon Vet McMullin, age 40. How did this happen? This note is written to partially explain. Your comments are welcome, below this POST.

BOTTOM LINE: Utah is ‘winner-take-all’ and Trump will be the winner.

Keep it in proportion: CA has 55 electoral votes, NY has 29, and UT has 6. Only two states are not winner take all (Maine and Nebraska). Currently leading in Utah, and gaining momentum, Trump has 34%, Clinton 29%, McMullin 20%, Johnson 9%, with 8% other. The Utah Republican Committee, following the lead of Reince Priebus, gives Donald J. Trump a very strong endorsement to defeat Crocked Hillary and “Make America great, again!” Most Utahns will vote Republican Donald Trump.

Older citizens of Utah remember the Clintons and know that voting Trump is the only way to deny Hillary and Bill Clinton from being another ‘two-fer’ in the White House. They see the importance of the Supreme Court and the other ten ‘conservative’ all-American tenets of Donald J. Trump.

Younger people are finding out about the Bimbo Eruptions and Mrs Clinton ruining lives. They are also learning about the current corruption of “Clinton Cash” and Obama/Clinton debacles.

There are more new voters registering as Republican, as they are across the nation. In Utah, there are many who will go into the voting booth and vote for Trump and keep their vote a secret, even denying it the next day. The same is true with the early push-polls of Leftists in media. Who will honestly tell a person on the phone how they will vote? Further, everyone knows most media polling is biased to Democrats. A Trump Landslide (for the MOVEMENT) is possible, but no one wants to be overly confident. It is a struggle to the death for the heart and soul of America.

A wise and patriotic American, a friend, asked me about Utah. At the choir practice of the Southern California Mormon Choir last evening, I asked a major Republican donor her feelings. We agreed that some of our family and friends in Utah must not be following correct news outlets. We hold back talking much about it since they are immersed with the pure thought that a candidate can be like Romney and win.

Let’s back up to discuss how this split happened in Utah. The LDS Church encourages members to be actively involved in politics and support and be candidates with noble values, but they do not tell the members how to vote. They promote civility but do not criticize Harry Reid.

You need to understand that Trump is a negotiator who will say something marginally ‘over-the-line’ and then come back to clarify. For example, he said that rapists and murderers were coming across the Southern border. When asked early on, he told a critical reporter, “Who else do you think is doing the murdering and raping?” Now, he says to (1) close the border with a WALL, (2) immediately send the felons back, etc. (3) figure out rules of Amnesty (which is up to Congress, not the president.)

Further, understand that many of us think that if you don’t have ‘righteous indignation’ about the corruption at the top and say so like Trump, then you are enabling Evil. “We are mad as Hell, and are not going to take it anymore!” All that is needed to enable Evil is for good men to do nothing.

The reason for the MOVEMENT is this: Establishment-elite-Republicans enabled Obama/Hillary in their path to transform America. People don’t like the downward spiral.

Those voting ‘Hillary’ are voting for the machine/team she brings with her; Trump has a better team of Dr Carson, Gen Mike Flynn, economists/negotiators, Supreme Court nominees, Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, his wife and children as advisors, the border patrol, first responders and police departments to work properly with neighborhoods.

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Let's talk about Evan McMullin: one thing against him, in addition to being on only 11 state ballots (UT, NM, CO, ID, AR, IA, KY, LA, MN, SC, VA) is that he is only 40 years old with no experience in leadership!

He is six years younger than our son, David, and is the age of our middle daughter, Debbie! I guess some people in Utah and Idaho will compare him to David vs Goliath .!.

There is a good article in the Opinion Section of the Deseret News in SLC, where it talks about the 'prisoners dilemma' where in it, two prisoners decline to work together to reduce their sentence-time because of fear that the other one will betray their agreement. Likewise, I suspect some reluctant Trump supporters are declining to vote for McMullin out of fear that other people won’t vote for McMullin and will vote for Trump.

Richard C. Shipp said...

Naive voters don't think about splitting the conservative vote with other candidates. Yikes.

Their goal: I can only vote for a "righteous" candidate.
Should be their goal: I will vote for the candidate most likely to beat/stop Hillary. (Trump)

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Here is a very good Reader's Comment in a NY newspaper:

ansfel 6 hours ago @atlanticcoaster

Nonsense. Egg McMuffin is a statement that our two parties have lost their vision and direction and their ability to create the outcome they desire. He is running because they have lost the will and/or ability to nominate candidates of character who represent the values of Americans.

In the case of Egg McMuffin, the Republican party is hoping to abort the monster they themselves created in form of Donald Trump by decades of pro big business, big government policies supported by score of feckless, weak and unprincipled candidates who ignore the interests of the very people they count on for support at the ballot box.

McMuffin is not a serious candidate. Nobody wants or expects him to be President (he is only on the ballot in 11 states). He is there because some influential and powerful Republicans fear that the people, if left to their own devices, might actually elect Trump and disrupt the power and influence they wield over the electoral process. McMuffin is a spoiler. McMuffin was created and exists to further frustrate and confuse the voters in an effort by party leaders who feel betrayed to reassert control over the system.

The Republican Party created Donald Trump. They have to deal with him. Egg McMuffin isn't the answer. He is an attempt to distract you from the actual race and goad you into throwing away your vote.

This is a two party race. The choice is Hillary or Trump. They are the only two who have a chance of being the next President. You should vote accordingly. Don't let the very people who created this mess of an election manipulate you even further.


Charles Edwin Shipp said...

You may be interested to know the VP running-mate: Mindy Finn, age 35.

It is interesting to read about her. She probably has some good idea
but like Ronald Reagan said, "It's not that they don't know; it is
that what they think they know ... is WRONG!"

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

I was wrong! Believe it not not.

Evan McMullin does NOT need to exceed Gary Johnson in voting. Being #3 is based on state electoral votes! Hence, if Johnson wins nothing, having only 3% in any state, and McMullin wins Utah, then guess what?

Trump could have 50 states, HRC could have 49 states, and Gary McMullin just one but still in THIRD PLACE, in consideration by the House.

Everyone sees that as a long shot, but that is what the 'moral' Mormons could do, giving a chance to Crooked Hillary! Who is being 'moral' with that?

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

The LDS Church follows God's command to tell their people to research the candidates and follow their prayers and inspiration. They are not going to tell them to vote for one candidate or the other. The way the election cycle has evolved, a non-vote for Trump is one vote difference between Trump and Mrs Clinton.

One candidate supports Abortion, Trump supports Life; One supports activist Supreme Court justices, Trump will nominate constitutionalists. One keeps Blacks down in inner-cities and Donald Trump will stop the murders and promote jobs. ETC, Etc, etc.

Voting for Bill and Hillary Clinton is immoral.
Voting for Donald J. Trump is moral. [And God is in control.]
Not voting for Trump when you have a chance makes a difference of one vote. BAD !

The LDS Church is very concerned about their image. Some members diminish that image.