Monday, August 22, 2016


The MOVEMENT and the MESSENGERS:  An end to the Progressive Obama Regime.    
The movement message has been growing and Trump picked up the baton started by Rush, Drudge, and others.  Similarities among the messengers: Rush, Donald, Hannity, Ramsey, and your ‘silver keyboard’.

Anti-ESTABLISHMENT sentiment has been growing for decades.  Rush Limbaugh became the voice of the American citizens who saw the corruption and evil of Progressives in their demented ‘worldview’.  They diminish the greatness of America to promote a godless world society, their own power and wealth.
Rush Limbaugh says that rather than trying to understand them, they need to be defeated.

Donald Trump is similar to Rush Limbaugh in that TRUTH is paramount—they became the spokespersons for what many good Americans could see—adding an urgency to save and build America. Others in ‘new media’ are similar also, and even our own humble efforts at the silver keyboard help get the sacred word of truth out to the voting public, via you, our cherished audience.   We know that the value of our Rush Echo NOTES is the content from Rush and others, not our humble selves just typing/condensing/collecting.  Let us know of others who would benefit!

Nothing will change the destiny of President Donald J. Trump. Mrs Clinton is such a flawed candidate that her only benefit to America will be ensuring that third-party candidates will have but little impact—It remains a two-man race, and OpChaos extends her into awaiting October Surprises. Both the Obamas and the Clintons would rather run the world than be stuck in the next two terms. She’s toast!

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