Monday, August 22, 2016

ACTIVITIES of your humble editors

ACTIVITIES:  New Apple Script3 and Xcode are for developing an App for the iPad and beyond.

We will attend the L.A. World Affairs Council and the annual North America Wikipedia conference in San Diego. 

To focus on our NOTES to you, and other professional activities, Lynnette and I have cut down on some extra-curricular activities, such as editing in Wikipedia—we have between seven and eight thousand edits, including for the last two Republican Primaries. We give it a rest until after the Election. … BUT when we saw that the North America convention of Wikipedia was coming in San Diego, Oct.7-20, we signed up for $25. One of the many sessions will cover family history, and Lynnette and I have indexed/arbitrated between one and two million ancestor/names.  You can Google-search [San Diego 2016 Wikipedia Conference].  This will be a reach-out to the leaders and albatross Liberals.

More importantly, we renewed our membership in the Los Angeles World Affairs Council ( and will attend monthly meetings: this Thursday features Chris O’Connor, General Consul UK in Los Angeles, to discuss BRexit and the coming USA-British connection.  Then there will be a major event, September 15-16, the “Future of Asia” a two-day conference,

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