Monday, November 21, 2016

100-Day Plan of Action Survey (Prioritizing for 1st Day!)

100-Day Plan of Action Survey
Top of Form
1.   Begin constructing the wall along the Southern border.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
2.   Repeal and replace ObamaCare.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
3.   Appoint a strong constitutionalist to the Supreme Court in the mold of the late Justice Antonin Scalia.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
4.   Sign into law the Senate’s existing bill to build the Keystone Pipeline.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
5.   Introduce an infrastructure package to modernize our country.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
6.   Unleash the Middle Class Tax Relief and Simplification Act, which will cut taxes for middle-class families and simplify the tax brackets in order to streamline the process.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
7.   Announce our official withdrawal from the TPP.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
8.   Renegotiate NAFTA into terms that protect the American worker.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
9.   Propose a constitutional amendment to impose terms limits on all members of Congress.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
10.   Lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars worth of American energy, including shale, oil, natural gas, and clean coal.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
11.   Cancel billions of dollars in payments to U.N. climate change programs, and use that money to fix our own country.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
12.   Allow Americans to deduct childcare and eldercare from their taxes.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
13.   End all federal funding to sanctuary cities that circumvent the law in order to provide protection to illegal immigrants.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
14.                Begin removing the more than two million criminal illegal immigrants.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
15.   Suspend immigration from regions compromised by terrorism and where vetting cannot safely occur.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
16.   Introduce plan to defeat ISIS.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
17.   Set the standard for an “America First” foreign policy that ends regime-change, nation-building, and instead focuses on a motto of peace through strength.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
18.   End bans on offshore drilling in order to end our dependence on Middle East oil and make America energy independent.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
19.   Cut the government regulations that lead businesses to leave our country in the first place.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
20.   Enact a five-year ban on White House and congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
21.   End the defense sequester in order to rebuild our depleted military.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
22.   Pass the Restoring Community Safety Act in order to reduce crime, drugs, and violence in our cities, and provide funding for programs that train and assist local police.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
23.   End Common Core and bring education supervision to local communities.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
24.   Pass school-choice measures that redirect education dollars to give parents the right to send their kids to the public, private, charter, magnet, religious, or home school of their choice.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
25.   Reform the Department of Veterans Affairs in order to provide proper treatment to America’s forgotten heroes.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
26.   Let veterans receive public VA treatment or attend the private doctor of their choice.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
27.   Direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
28.   Pass the Clean Up Corruption in Washington Act in order to “drain the swamp” that has polluted our capital for decades.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion
29.   Cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum, and order issued by Obama.
o     Highly important
o     Somewhat important
o     Not important
o     No opinion

FYI:  True Patriots and Trumpsters received this eMail 
and I put it here, after bolding my favorite critical items.

You can add your comments by clicking and commenting:


Charles Edwin Shipp said...

It will be TOTALLY amazing what Trump can do in one day.

It is like anything in our personal lives:
Learn it;
Live it;
Love it !

Like BYU legendary football coach Levell Edwards said,
the championships are won in the practices, prepare by
practicing the basics. Have the Trump winning attitude.

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

On the Sean Hannity Show, Paul Ryan was really supportive and enthusiastic with the potential of Day One, and the first 100 days. He also says that he and Trump have a 200 day plan.

The 'Doubting Thomases' among us will soon be convinced that Trump gets things done.

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Here are our suggestions for prioritizing actions on Day One:
1. Begin constructing the wall along the Southern border.
3. Appoint a strong constitutionalist to the Supreme Court in the mold of the late Justice Antonin Scalia.
14. Begin removing the more than two million criminal illegal immigrants.
15. Suspend immigration from regions compromised by terrorism and where vetting cannot safely occur.