Friday, July 8, 2016

Why Donald Trump is so popular .!.

Why is Donald Trump so popular, you ask?

He rose to the highest levels of popularity by saying we can and must protect the United States of America as a nation with a wall on the southern border.  Now, he says we must attack the leaders of Jihad and hold on bringing Syrian refugees into America.  These are the two most critical issues with American voters. A third hot button is the security threat of Mrs HRClinton.

Further, he has the practical experience to bring back the American economy, and "Make America great again." Whoever criticizes his comments, loses my support, Mitt Romney was first.  Understand (1) “We are mad as HELL and are not going to take it anymore” is a level of bluster, understanding we are going over the cliff.  Say it calmly and you lose votes! (2) Trump is a negotiator and may say something just over the line but with elements of truth—he then comes back later with commonsense negotiating.

Contrast that with the Democrat Party bench: they have but one remaining candidate who is aging and disastrous. A Republican will win easily unless elitists in the Republican Party insist on standing with Big Government and Obama. This election is the people vs ESTABLISHMENT corruption.

1 comment:

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

The puny efforts of elite RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) and lying Progressives in media and evil Democrats only increase the popularity of Donald J. Trump with thinking Independents and honest Democrats. Isn't this what Republican leaders want? To increase the vote and bring true Americans into the Republican tent?