Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Republican National Convention—Eric+Newt+Pence

Republican National Convention—Eric+Newt+Pence

It is an hour before Convention ‘third day’ beginning at 8pmET. FoxNews and Fox Business Channel are both good.  We learned from One America news-network that China will probably be sanctioned at Rio Olympics in Brazil. 

We see a small rally with Rafael ‘Ted’ Cruz gearing up.  He exchanges a heartfelt hug and kiss with his lovely wife, very emotional.  He feels loyalty to Glenn Beck and the ‘Never Trump’ sentiment.  Lee Carter and others with Stuart Varney agree that if Cruz doesn’t rally others, and instead looks to his own interests, he’s toast. Huckabee is great.

Cruz thinks like Beck that Trump will readily go along with Communist-Democrats and Cruz can challenge in 2020!  Of course, Trump will fulfill his very Conservative and Constitutional promises and will run for reelection.  Hopefully, Cruz will be on the Supreme Court.

I’ll let others cover the Cruz and Rubio talks.  And, of course, when the convention starts, we mainly watch the new RNC channel, except when the band is playing, at which time we bounce between FBN and FoxNews.

Republican National Convention—Eric Trump
Wow. WOW!  Wow!   Welcome Cleveland.  None of us could predict this:  the MOVEMENT we would start.  Today my father stands after shattering all records. He inspires multiple generations, like Millennials like myself. 

He could no longer tolerate inept government, and bear witness to Second Amendment attacked, and a crooked deal with Iraq.  He set aside his company, at a time at his pinnacle.  He chose to give back the Dream to people it has eluded for so long.  Who better to apply practical experience?  Debt goes up $2BILLION a day.

Who better can negotiate companies back to America, like Ford and Nabisco? It is time for a president with commonsense and can make a Deal with our tax dollars.  We need a president who looks forward to lead, and not lead from the back.

[Example of the ice skating rink, investing $2million of his own money to complete.  Under a $1million under budget, in six month.  Other examples.] 

It was what he does;   it is who he is!    “Impossible, is his starting point!”

Oprah asked if he would ever run for president, and he replied, “Only if it gets so bad, I have no choice.”  Lives have been cut short by illegals. I see in his eyes disappointment with USA rated low in education.  TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS of dollars and loss of life. 

I see in his eyes his belief that America can be great again.

I want to thank my father for the life he has proved; future children; and to those in foundations/company.  What we do for others is the measure of our life here on Earth.  I started a foundation founded on integrity, honesty, and service.  I expect other foundations to not be for $$ and scandal.

To the unemployed voter sitting at home, my father is running for you.  For the veteran in a VA hospital, to the educator, my father is running for you; to single-mothers that can’t afford, my father is running for you.  Vote for the candidate who has never been a politician and never received a paycheck from the government.

Vote for the candidate that cannot be bought or steered from the course that is trusted and true.  Vote for the candidate that does not need this job, my friends.  I am honored to be part of the journey.  Dad, you have once again taught of by example.  You are my best friend, the next president of the United States.  [Trump is in the audience, with children, smiling and looking pleased and proud!]  The audience appreciates. 

Republican National Convention—Newt Gingrich
Calista Gingrich introduces her husband, to speak on national security.  He has spent a lifetime making America safe  [credentials.]

Newt:  I am amazed at Calista’s talents and achievements.  I am impressed with Donald Trump bringing us all together.  He invited those he defeated to speak.  You need to see that Ted Cruz said to vote your conscience to support the Constitution.  There is only one candidate in November that will: that is Donald Trump. 

Look at the courage of Donald Trump to rise:  Islamic terrorists want to kill us.  Obama/Hillary/Democrats lie about the terrorists.  If Islamists had their way, they would kill GAYS/lesbians.  [Examples: Bangladesh, Turkey, Paris stalking, murdered, raped his wife, and about to kill the 3yr-old when the police killed him.]  All this in the last 37 days.  One analysis:  30,000 killed by terrorists since Jan 2015.  We are losing the war and we must change course to win the war.

Let me be very clear because I know media will try their best to distort this.  Most Muslims are our friends.  The challenge is that even with a small percentage, it is still a large number.  Of Muslims, 9% are favorable to violence to those who disagree, and that is 16 million, and that is just one nation.

We have been very lucky, more so than Israel, France and Germany.  The worst-case scenario would be 300,000 Americans killed in a bombing of a city.  That is not just my view.  North Korea, Pakistan, and soon Iran have nuclear weapons. We are sleepwalking through danger.  They lie to us about the threat.

Hillary Clinton has been right at the center of this deception.  We see Benghazi, and lack of screening of Syrian refugees. She wants to increase by 500%.   Only by electing the right leader can we rebuild the America we love.

A strong military is the best way to a world of peace.  Donald Trump will build the security wall.  He will take care of our veterans and give them more choices about their care.  He will blow apart ridiculous regulations.  We will be the most competitive country in the world.

Security is the basis for strong families and neighborhoods.  If anyone threatens the life of the president, the secret service is on them in a second.  Our police deserve the same protection. Donald Trump won the nomination because he puts the people first, same with Mike Pence.

The challenge to everyone sitting here, and watching at home, is to stand with Donald Trump and Mike Pence.  We can make America first again.

Republican National Convention—Mike Pence
Paul Ryan introduces Mike Pence. He loves his wife and children. He comes from the heart of a Conservative movement and the heart of America.  He will bring change to Washington.

Pence:  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  In behalf of my family, here and gone, I accept your nomination to run for VP of the United States of America.
I’m a Christian, a Conservative, and a Republican, in that order.  I never thought I would be standing here, but there I was, in NYC standing with the person that won among 17 great candidates, bringing in new voters.

I grew up on the front row of the American Dream;  my father had a corn field, watching mom and dad building everything that mattered.  He was a great father, a vet from Vietnam.  My mother Nancy is here [applause]. 

I started my career in the other party, but came over with the Reagan revolution.  I married the girl of my dreams, Karen Pence [applause].  Regardless of any title I will ever have D.A.D. is the best, including our marine, Michael J. Pence. So proud of you guys [applause].

We love to suit up and win.  [Becoming passionate]  With your back up, we will elect Donald Trump to be the 45th president of the United States of America.  We will win by being honest with everyone.

We will not pile a mountain of debt on our children.  As Ronald Reagan said, we are tired of those far off planning our lives.  Let’s pledge that Hillary Clinton will never become president of the United States of America.

We do not need a third term for Obama;  she had Hillarycare.  We are told it is the best we can do.  It is just the best they can do.  In Indiana we reduced debt: Conservative principles work every time you put them into practice.  [USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA]  We’ve cut taxes every year since I took office in Indiana.  That’s what you can do with commonsense leadership, and what Donald Trump will do in the White House.

Donald Trump is a ‘doer’ in the game of ‘talkers’.  He is his own man, distinctly American.  He finds his home in the land of the free and the home of the brave.  [USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA]  The funny thing is the party in power (and media) can’t figure out the man who doesn’t quit.  He is tough and their puny efforts only make him more popular.

He will never turn his back on those that serve to protect us.  Let’s let them know we will stand with those who stand on the thin blue line in America.

I’ve seen how he treats those who work with him, with kindness and respect.  I grant you he can be tough in a debate, we’ll see that again.

As we say back home:  “You can’t fake good kids!”  Aren’t they amazing?

These are the measures:  chosen as our nomination for our time.  On the other side, they outdid themselves for an insider.  They have a stale agenda and people are tired of Secretary of The Status Quo.

When Donald Trump becomes the president of the United States, the change will be …  …  …   HUGE!

Problems are discussed in Washington DC, but they are never solved. It seems that no detail of our lives is too small for them to want to control, and no part of the Constitution too large for them to ignore.  We see borders ignored, then Donald Trump came along, to say what everybody was thinking:  protect our nation, be serious and win again.

That’s the message that men and women in both parties want to hear.  How it turns out depends on us.  The press will do have Hillary’s work for her.  The good news is it won’t be enough. Issue by issue, we will take our message to the American people, security and prosperity.

Many Democrat voters see they are taken for granted, like coal miners.  Donald Trump digs coal.  African Americans see missed promises and Donald Trump will deliver;  Hispanic Americans want the law upheld, education improved, and the economy running again.

It is the party of Lincoln that will open the door for every American to prosper in this land.  Executive orders and activist judges will be reversed.  Think carefully about nominations to the Supreme Court.  Think of sanctity of life, Second Amendment, and who will nominate for lifetimes.

Hillary Clinton undid the gains in the Middle East.  She left Americans in harm’s way in Benghazi and said “What difference, at this point, does it make.”  [Lock her up;  Lock her up;  Lock her up;  Lock her up]  She should be disqualified from being commander-in-chief.  We are weakened at home and abroad.   Weakness arouses evil.  ISIS is a testament to this truth.  We cannot have four more years of being weak before our enemies and untrusted by our allies.  Donald Trump will rebuild our military and destroy enemies of freedom. 

Know this: With Donald Trump, America stands with Israel.

The presidency of Barack Obama ends exactly six months from today.  [We want Trump; We want Trump; We want Trump; We want Trump!]

And this much is certain about the Obama years:  it is not ending well.  Politics has failed.  Remember that what unites us far exceeds that which divides us.  We are, after all, “one nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for all!”  I promise to keep that commitment and pray daily.

We have come to another rendezvous with destiny and I have faith that God can still heal our land.   But we have a choice to make.  [Lists all the Conservative issues, like law and order, Supreme Court] you have just one choice:  elect Donald Trump to make America great again.  We will !!! 

[Band combo is playing, “I’m so glad I live in America!”]  

Your comments are encouraged and appreciated:  Questions/Answers/Discussion.

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