Republican National Convention—Tiffany
Trump (million-dollar smile!) Thank You
all so much. Amazing to be here and talk
about my father, Donald Trump. [Incredible and impeccable beauty, so charming.] Whatever he does, he does it well. He motivates me and others to do their
best. He draws out the best, a good
quality for POTUS.
He wrote
sweet notes on every one of my report cards, going back to kindergarten. He always encourages. He always asks about my family in Georgia.
[Mentions family members who served in the military.]
The mark
of a good parent is how they bolster you when you are down. He gives us good advice but keeps it short, “Find
your own way; be fearless; do not let obstacles get in your way.” He is a natural-born encourager.
In person,
my father is so friendly and considerate.
My friends always walk away surprised.
I have admired my father all of my life, and appreciate the opportunity
to tell you.
Republican National Convention—Donald Jr.
Trump, Jr. (million-dollar presence/confidence!) Good evening.
I’m Donald Trump Jr, father of five children. Husband of a great mother, and son of a great
man, Donald Trump, Sr.
Let me
talk about the country. For too long we
have not made the tough decisions. Some
believe solving our problems is an impossible task. That is why we have to elect the man who
knows it is possible. We are still
Americans and we will get it all back, better than before.
I know my father: when people tells him it can’t be done, that
is when he goes ahead and gets it done!
He changed the skyline of New York.
I’ve seen the look in his eye, when someone told him he couldn’t run [twinkle in his eye and a big smile] he decided to run for the presidency.
He stood
right here and debated other great candidates;
now he comes here again, and we put him over the top in delegate count.
When my
father says he will make America great and fix it, he means it!
is a very handsome orator, passionate and very persuasive!]
sees the potential in those without
college resumes, seeing opportunities they don’t see in themselves. We learn from people with doctorates in
common sense. [Examples of common
workers who were given opportunity to rise in the Trump Organization.] Whoever we are, we can get ahead and prosper
other party looks for better lives for the poor, but they don’t tell you that
they are the party that disadvantaged us.
Bernie Sanders warned that new waves of immigrants keep wages down.
up, my brothers and sisters had benefits—we want those benefits for all. Let parents choose where to send their
children to school. That’s
competition. The other party wants to
run everything. Dodd-Frank has spun off
20,000 pages of regulations. It destroys
small businesses in favor of big businesses who can afford lawyers.
other party is the party of ‘risk’. Mark Guise was at risk in Benghazi. He pleaded for added security, leading up to
the attack. It was a tragedy and would
be repeated if she is elected. Who
would you rather call? [This is
passionate and powerful!]
can’t even pass a security check. She
wants to abolish the Second Amendment. Criminals
don’t abide gun laws—lives have been lost under this administration.
would cut our energy independence. She
would keep us bound to her buddies in the Middle East. She is too much of a risk.
are going to make our schools the best in the world, for all ethnicities.
are going elect a president who will give us a better tax code; immigration law, gives them jobs; repeal and replace Obamacare, while keeping
SocSec, unlike HRClinton. … He will not bow to other nations.
president not beholden to special interests, foreign and domestic. A president who will not use the Oval Office
to enrich himself.
won’t need to run a focus group to form a simple opinion. Etc. He
will give the working people who built this nation a voice again. When we elect him we will have done
that. [[ This was AWESOME!!]]
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