Thursday, March 3, 2016

Republican Debate in Detroit FoxNews 3/3/2016

Republican Debate in Detroit FoxNews    3/3/2016
Moderating:  Bret Baier, Megyn Kelly, and Chris Wallace.
Candidate hopefuls: Trump, Ted Cruz, Rubio, Kasich.

Since you can fast forward through the video and word-search the transcript, we will give the main topics presented and the main comments from the four candidates.  We will provide a little ‘color commentary’ but expect you to be watching and see that for yourselves.  Look for further discussion on our new website: where you also can argue back and forth. 

We really like Ted Cruz putting in the next nominees to the Supreme Court, but expect Donald Trump to roll on.  ABC means Anybody But Clinton and she is already convicted in the Court of Public Opinion.  Anyone the Democrats have will be beaten in a landslide by Trump, Cruz, or Rubio, hands down!

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FoxNews INTRODUCTIONS: Partnering with Facebook with 52million checking in. 
60sec answers, 30sec re-butt.  “Be respectful, like a Red Wings hockey game.”

MAIN TOPIC:   Romney’s comment, directed to Trump (asked by Chris Wallace)
Trump:  He failed and lost to Obama. I believe in Free Trade, not when they beat us with imbalance, etc.  “We will make great trade deals”

MAIN TOPIC:   What are your views on the Ku Klux Klan?
Trump:  Take a look at my Twitter account.  [Chris Wallace gives a friendly smile]

MAIN TOPIC:   You mocked Trump with ‘small hands’ etc.
Rubio:  He deserves to be attacked that way;  I would prefer to have a policy debate.
Trump:  I take back calling him a light-weight;  look at these hands. [Big]

MAIN TOPIC:   [Lynnette was coughing and I missed the question about Trump vs Ted Cruz]
Cruz:  This is not about the insults;  This is about JOBS.  People are interested in solutions, not slogans.
Trump: I’ve heard him say over and over and I’ve won three, he’s being beaten badly.
Rubio: 2/3 of the people don’t vote for him;  he is not Conservative.
Trump:  Very nice words but happen to be wrong.  National poll: He’s at 15, he’s at 14, I’m at 49%.

MAIN TOPIC:   Do you buy Romney’s blueprint?
Kasich:  Democrats tell me all the time that I can get the crossovers, as the adult on the stage.

MAIN TOPIC:   What jobs have you created?
Rubio:  Go on my website to see real policies.
Trump: This little guy has lied so much about my record.  My sister thought it amazing.
Rubio:  The answer is that he is not going to do it.  (Bring manufacturing back from Mexico.)
[Rush Limbaugh said that a strategy for Rubio would be to egg Trump to making a bad statement.]

MAIN TOPIC:   Trump proposed tax cut to add $10TRILLION; be specific what to cut
Trump:  Common Core; Environmental Protection; waste, fraud, abuse; Larry Kudlow likes my plan.
[Graphic shows $544 Billion deficit]   We don’t bid properly with Pharmaceuticals.
[Another full screen graphic]  We’ll save $300billion/year if we negotiate.

MAIN TOPIC:   Who will collect the taxes if you abolish the IRS?
Cruz:  They are so corrupt, put it on a postcard. Let me go back to the lack of specificity.  I have given a plan that will cut $500billion.  Donald Trump has been part of the corruption in D.C.
Trump:  I have been supporting politicians on many sides for years, I wasn’t a politician. Etc.  We need people to break gridlock and get things done.

MAIN TOPIC:   Is Trump wrong saying not to increase the Minimum Wage?
Kasich:  I’m the only person on stage that balanced the budget. Use common sense.  Etc.  I won.

MAIN TOPIC:   Immigration
Cruz:  Look to the actual record.  Donald Trump gave $50,000 to Gang of Eight.  Why?
Trump:  I’m doing 120 deals outside of the United States.  Soon children will take over.

MAIN TOPIC:   The New York Times interview, and flexibility in deporting
Trump:  Off-the-record is a very important thing.  There is always some tug-and-pull, negotiation.

MAIN TOPIC:   After Gang of Eight, you still seem to not
Rubio:  I absolutely want to solve this situation;  I did the best with the Senate that was then.
Trump:  Sheriff Arpaio supports me.  Rubio give-and-take is OK.

Break for commercial:  Last Q was from Megyn:  Will you allow releasing The NYTimes tape?
Trump doubles-down like a negotiator and teases them, “I will not do that.” [serious face.]

MAIN TOPIC:   Visas for highly-skilled or not?
Trump:  I’m changing; I’m changing.  We need to keep the brain-power after they graduate here.

MAIN TOPIC:   You reversed yourself, you declined to join H1D abuse.
Cruz:  I’ll call for an audit.  It is not dissimilar with Donald’s hotel in Florida.  How many worked as a waiter?  [He asks the audience, and everyone claps, cheers, and raises a hand.]
Trump:  I’ve had tens of thousands;  short season;  It’s legal and we bring them in, and out.
Cruz:  That’s not accurate. Americans wanted the jobs. Etc.  [“wrong”, Trump interjects]
Trump:  This is what other hotels do …  [Cruz wants the tape released:  “You’re the liar” says Trump.]

[The audience is yelling and no one can understand what they are saying.  They yell to each other.]

MAIN TOPIC:   ISIS and ground troops in Syria
Rubio:  It will require Special Ops and air strikes.
Kasich:  I helped Rumsfeld with his problems. Libya is a desert.  Work with Muslim friends. Etc.  Take care of the job in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and then come home.

MAIN TOPIC:   Military will refuse to carry out extreme interrogation
Trump:  They won’t refuse me, believe me.  They are chopping off heads.  Waterboarding is fine.  Can you imagine these animals that chop off heads and see us talking about waterboarding.  That is what leaders do.  [Addresses the families of the terrorists, watching their husbands on TV.]
Cruz:  Yelling doesn’t make you a tough guy.  Reagan generated jobs, rebuilt the military, and won the Cold War;  I will do the same thing.  If they wage Jihad against America, they sign their death warrant.

MAIN TOPIC:   Snowden and treason, you waited to condemn
Cruz:  Start with the facts first, and pass judgement later.  He fled to Russia, China, undermined us.

MAIN TOPIC:   Who would you get for Anti-Terrorism.
Trump:  [xxx]   I said from the beginning that Snowden was a spy.
Kasich:  I knew Ronald Reagan.  You can take it from there.

[Another commercial break.]

MAIN TOPIC:   Megyn asks about reversing and shows clips on war answers …
Trump:  I was always against going into Iraq;  nuclear weapons changed the game. Etc.
Trump:  At first they were talking about small number of Syrian immigrants. Safe zones there.

[Dust up with Megyn and Rubio challenging Trump on an ongoing legal action with Trump University. They pound him over and over with what they perceive as ‘facts’ and Donald says let’s see after it is resolved in three years. He gets really beat up on this one.  Trump says he doesn’t cave.]
Cruz:  Is this the debate you want in the general election?  [Trump, “Oh, stop it.”]
Cruz:  Count to ten, Donald.   Come join us—we want you on our team.  [Cheers]
Megyn goes to Kasich “Let’s come together and stop fighting” to go to commercial break.  The audience cheers the statement of Kasich.  We’ll see if that translated to votes in Ohio, winner-take-all on March 15 where Trump now leads by double-digits.

MAIN TOPIC:   Why haven’t Republicans done more with water in Flynt Michigan?
Rubio:  Accountability is important, and it wasn’t political. Ensure it never happens again.

MAIN TOPIC:   Should gov’t bail out the schools?
Kasich:  They came to me in Ohio.

MAIN TOPIC:   Detroit was the symbol of U.S. manufacturing might, not now. Be specific.
Cruz:  60 yrs of failed Leftwing policy.  [History] It is an outrage, media should report it.

SOCIAL ISSUES    [Clip of Kasich vs GAY marriage dissenters.]

MAIN TOPIC:   GAY is the law of the land, What of Adoption
Cruz:  It should be a state decision.  There is no compromise like another on this stage.
Trump:  He is right.  Most people would prefer to leave it to the states.

MAIN TOPIC:   Scalia talked about guns
Rubio:  The Second Amendment is in the Constitution for a reason.  Criminals don’t follow the laws.

MAIN TOPIC:   [Trump changed his mind and now doesn’t ban assault weapons]
Trump:  If Paris had guns, you would not have had 130 people killed.
Cruz:  He would compromise on the Supreme Court.  [“I did not say that”  adds Trump.]
Trump:  He supported John Roberts, the primary supporter, who let us down on Obamacare.
Cruz:  Breathe, breathe, breathe,  I wrote one opEd, and I wouldn’t have nominated him.
Rubio makes some comment we missed and smiles to audience applause.
[Commercial ads, including the new movie “Risen” which is amazing, for the faithful.]

MAIN TOPIC:   Tell Mr Trump why he isn’t prepared on Foreign Policy.
Rubio:  Etc.  Much of our future now depends on it.  Millennials can be the greatest generation.
Trump:  I’ve gotten to know Marco and he is not a leader. They will do as I tell them (in military.)
Rubio:  One again, he didn’t respond with policy.  North Korea has a lunatic. [Arguing next]
Trump: Wouldn’t it be nice if we got along with Russia, China?  Etc.

MAIN TOPIC:   Sanctions on North Korea
Cruz:  The Clinton Adm failed and lifted sanctions.  Now it is harder. Move carriers to So.China sea. Etc.
[Break.  Graphic of Facebook: Trump(60%); Cruz(18%); Rubio(11%); Carson(7%); Kasich(4%)]
[[So for the last month conversations, Ben Carson was beating Kasich in the conversations.]]

LAST QUESTION OF THE NIGHT:   THE RNC PLEDGE:  “Will you support the nominee?”
Rubio:  She lied to the families of the victims of Benghazi.
Cruz:  I made a promise, I will fight for your rights.
Kasich:  I’ll be the nominee.  [cheers]
Trump:  Even if it’s not me?  Millions and millions have come in; Democrats are losing.  Yes, I will.

Closing Statements:
Kasich:  I have a record, not just talk/theory.  We’ve left no one behind in Ohio.
Rubio:  Problems in America; embrace opportunities, if we get this election right.
Cruz:  To every soldier;  Mom & Dad;  Immoral to send to battle with arms tied. I…will…have…your…back!!!
Trump:  We will bring JOBS back, and you will be very proud of America.  Thank you.
[Trump shakes everyone’s hand but Rubio doesn’t open his, so Trump gives him a fist bump.]
[Kasich doesn’t want a photo of shaking hands w/Rubio, so he gives him an elbow bump.]
Bottom Line:  Rubio says he’ll win in Florida; and Kasich says he will win in Ohio.

“Who won the Debate?” DrudgeReport voting: Trump(66%);  Cruz(20%);  Kasich(9%);   Rubio(5%).

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