Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Closed-door VS Open-Convention (NRC rule change?)

The Olde "smoke-filled room" won't happen[edit]

Rule 40 says that votes will happen until someone reaches the simple majority of delegates (1237). I heard Ted Cruz say today that selecting the Republican nominee to run in the general election would lead to an uprising if it is done in a Smoke-filled room. In this, he was clearly mistaken. The RNC could change the rule, and probably will, but it will still come to voting over and over. On the other hand, it is noted that the week or so before the Convention, the RNC will meet and decide any rule changes, such as allowing any candidate with at least one delegate won to be allowed on the first ballot. That could prevent Trump or Cruz (current leaders) from achieving the simple majority on the first ballot. However, they would probably come to the same conclusion after the third vote. Another scenario would be for two candidates to team, POTUS/VP, to exceed the 1,237 delegate majority. This can all be documented in the current news, but why not wait a week until winner-take-all voting takes place in Illinois, Florida, and Ohio? Also, wait until someone exceeds the simple majority and "The Establishment" (so-called) decides to change the rules anyway to try to exclude Trump or Cruz. (Hannity says that what applies to hating Trump also applies to Cruz, the outsiders.) 

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