Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Mormon vote will go to Trump

Even though Donald J. Trump is going to win the six (winner-take-all) Utah delegates to the 2016 Electoral College, the run of the anti-Trump anti-HRC candidate was interesting. It is not just in Utah, but Idaho and other states. The LDS population in USA is equal to the Jewish church population.

So "What is with the Utah sentiment?" a friend/mentor of mine asks.  A good question.

Donald-Trump-GOP-Mormon-vote-Utah (Atlantic Journal)

This Atlantic Journal article on March 22, 2016, is excellent and explains it very well. (1) Swearing of Trump.  [But if you are not swearing-mad, you don't see the cliff we are about to go over!]  So that would be the desire for 'decorum' to be 'presidential'.  Was Obama presidential?  (2) Refugees/Immigrants.  LDS are 'big' on bringing in true refugees.  [Intelligent LDS Republicans will see through the hit-rhetoric of the opposition to understand that yes, Jihadists do want to kill us for their Caliphate, and yes, felons cross our southern border many times after being deported, or not, and also kill us.]

Issues are more important than speech and NY-talk is to overstate (which kept Trump in the news for free coverage, (1) Overstating in truth; (2) Waiting, then negotiating back; (3) Settling in on a compromise position.  So (a) stop all Muslims until "we figure out what the HELL is going on!" then settling on (b) exclude nations that say "Kill Israel and the Big Satan (usa)".

Further, intelligent LDS Republicans that listen closely remember that when Trump was challenged for saying that Mexico was purposefully sending us their felons, he said, "Who do you think is doing the raping and murdering?" [inferring it was repeat-deportees]. This goes along with supporting the border patrol, ICE, and the local police, (plus the WALL, with a big 'legal' door).

Yes, the lying/evil media (not all of them, but many of them, plus tag-alongs) support the ESTABLISHMENT and have betrayed American interests, as noted by the next president. Many in Utah don't watch Hannity on FoxNews (cable/satellite TV) or listen to Rush Limbaugh (radio while they are working).  For many in Utah the truth is too brutal to hear and they live in passive-peaceful-bliss.

The article is right that Mitt Romney had a HUGE influence on LDS/Mormons.  But in the end, most LDS will be like 20million Americans who will vote for Trump and deny it the next day, or just be silent about their patriotic and wise vote to win the Supreme Court and JOBS.

Donald-Trump-GOP-Mormon-vote-Utah (Atlantic Journal)


Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Right on, right on !!

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Notice that Trump leads in Utah (Trump=31%, McMullin=25%, HRC=25%) !
So even though McMuffin splits the Conservative/Republican vote, Trump wins
because of the MOVEMENT, (plus, add in those that are not polled). (Really great graphs/explanations!)

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

The graphs are here:

And here:

And for all the states, here:

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Five days before the Election, Trump maintains his lead, as McMullin fades to third.

SALT LAKE CITY — Republican Donald Trump remains ahead in a pair of new polls of Utah voters released Thursday, with Evan McMullin, the independent presidential candidate, in third place, behind Democrat Hillary Clinton.

"It's what I've been saying all along," Utah GOP Chairman James Evans said. "They've come home to being pragmatic because they believe the choice is between Donald Trump and Hillary and they don't want to deliver Utah to Hillary."