Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Revisiting Utah -- Republicans came home

EDITOR'S NOTE:   Editing here in the blogspot is really VERY user-UNfriendly !
Excuse please the ugly colors and whiting with spaces between the lines.
...   ...   ...   and the 'light' text in this post;  wanted it 'white' but that has spaced lines.

Utah GOP Chairman James Evans said Utahns are "trying to get back to the basics of government actually being there on behalf of the American people instead of being in the way of the American people."

Click here =>   SLC Deseret News on Trump's WIN

This is a wise, insightful, succinct comment from James Evans--it says it all!


1 comment:

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

From Rush Limbaugh, which you can read further:

Trump's supporters take him seriously, but not literally, which means they know when he's joking with them. They know when he's having fun. Somebody who opposes Trump is wound so tight, they're not funny people anyway, that they don't get his humor.