Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Romney for Secretary of State

Notes on Romney for Sec.State: We come to praise him, not bury him.
1. Not all True-Trump-Supporters are vengeful like some seem to be.
2. Remember Saul-of-Tarsus, killing Christians, converted by an angel
       sent by God.  He became Paul, the Roman Apostle, supporting Christ.
3. The future is not the past: Romney can be TOTALLY supportive of USA.
4. Like Reagan, Trump & Romney are interested in up vs down, not LvC.
5. Trump is more interested in HHS and HLS than foreign ‘affairs’.
6. Remember that Trump plays the Media and will string them to the end.
7. Remember that Trump delegates to his team, including Congress.
8. People need to take Trump seriously, not literally. He’s the BEST!

9. True Trump supporters will be happy with anything Trump does/chooses!


Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Errata: For scriptorians check Acts 9:5 for the conversion of Saul to Paul.
I’ll explain how this relates to Mitt Romney on Friday for infrequent readers.

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Reagan, Trump, Tea Party patriots, Mitt Romney -- they are all interested in UP or DOWN, not LEFT or RIGHT.

Hence, Trump is just fine with Romney as Secretary of State. Deal with it .!.