Sunday, February 21, 2016

Ramifications of the South Carolina 3-way win

What do you think of Trump winning, Cruz and Rubio tying, and Dr Ben Carson beating Jeb Bush?  Bush drops out and Dr Carson stay in! Trump took all 50 delegates in SC capturing 33% of the votes, and Rubio and  Cruz tie at 22% of the vote.  You could say that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio “also ran” since South Carolina (SC) is a ‘winner take all’ state.  Frank Vandersloot and Mitt Romney endorse Rubio now.

==External links==
The Official RNC 2016 Republican Nominating Process

Green papers for 2016 primaries, caucuses, and conventions 2016 Presidential primaries

These are the three links which I put into the Wikipedia pages for the 50 states (plus DC and five territories). Today, Glenn Beck is fasting and praying for Ted Cruz and I’m fasting for Donald J. Trump .!.

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