Sunday, January 17, 2016

Republican 6th Debate, January 14th 2015 (continued)

[With this, the great debater Ted Cruz won the debate; until Donald Trump spoke and won it back; but Trump did not answer the basic question of his own NY values, which apparently have switched.]


TRUMP:  So conservatives actually do come out of Manhattan, including William F. Buckley and others, just so you understand. And just so -- if I could, because he insulted a lot of people. I've had more calls on that statement that Ted made -- New York is a great place. It's got great people, it's got loving people, wonderful people. When the World Trade Center came down, I saw something that no place on Earth could have handled more beautifully, more humanely than New York. You had two one hundred...
... you had two 110-story buildings come crashing down. I saw them come down. Thousands of people killed, and the cleanup started the next day, and it was the most horrific cleanup, probably in the history of doing this, and in construction. I was down there, and I've never seen anything like it. And the people in New York fought and fought and fought, and we saw more death, and even the smell of death -- nobody understood it. And it was with us for months, the smell, the air. And we rebuilt downtown Manhattan, and everybody in the world watched and everybody in the world loved New York and loved New Yorkers. And I have to tell you, that was a very insulting statement that Ted made.

Iranians provoked us with our sailors:
J.Bush:  We would restore the strength of the military.  Re-impose sanctions.  Jerusalem.
Kasich is asked to speak about Saudi Arabia oil and US fracking.  Bla-bla-blah // Me-me-me.

Air strikes against ISIS:
Carson:  We have to do more against the Caliphate.  Ask your military and give them what they need.  We don’t tie their hands.  Take the oil from them, their source of revenue.  Attack their command and control centers in Raqqa.  They should be running all the time.

Assad and Syria:
Christie:  HRClinton and Obama got us into this spot. They’ve done worse than nothing.

Banning Muslims:  [Wrong question; the question is a lie about what Trump proposed]
Trump:  We have to stop with Political Correctness.  I said ‘temporarily’.  I have Muslim friends and some of them say I am spot on. Obama can’t use the term ‘terrorism’ and so can’t solve the problem.  We have a serious problem and you can’t be stupid about it.  They laugh at us around the world.
   [Bush jumps in to call Trump stupid.]
Moderator Neil Cavuto notes the Trump 11% jump. Are these people are also ‘unhinged’.
Trump:  I.  Want.  Security.   For this country.  We have a serious problem with radical Islam.  It is a problem all over the world.  I want to find out:  why didn’t the people call when they saw the pipe bombs.  Police are the most mistreated.  Why didn’t they turn those two in?  Something going on is bad and we have to get to the bottom of this.

Muslim Immigration, like Mr Trump says;  “I want to hear from all of you”, says Maria B. ::
Kasich: [Rhetoric]  Christie: Fund NSA.  Rubio: Obama underestimates.  “If we do not know who you are, you are not getting in.”  Cruz: Focus like a laser and pass the ex-patriot act. Secondly, pass the legislation I introduced to suspend immigration from countries controlled by ISIS or al Qaeda.  Carson: Common sense.  Get experts together, including other countries like Israel. Send Syrians to a safe place in their own country.  [Jeb Bush just starts talking and going on and on.]

NYTimes quote about Trump and China:
Trump:  They were wrong, The New York Times is always wrong.  We’ve lost between four and five million jobs because of China.  We have great power if we used it. Who the hell has to lose $505BILLION to China. We should use our best to negotiate, not political hacks.  We have to be smart. I love China and the Chinese but they laugh at our silliness. 
Kasich insists on saying Donald is right.  Free trade, but fair trade.
Trump:  I’m liking him tonight.
Rubio:  The buyer pays the tariff. Make our Economy stronger, starting with tax reform and regulation reform.  Repeal Obamacare and bring our Debt under control by repealing Obamacare.

Cruz:  Donald is right—we are getting hammered;  Jeb is also right;  You pass a simple flat tax.  Abolish the IRS and the exports will be tax free and every import has a 16% tax.

[There are ad-breaks every so often, this one for the movie,
“13 Hours:  the Secret Soldiers of Benghazi”.]

Cutting spending and needed infrastructure rebuilding:
Christie:  $2TRILLION is offshore.  Bring it back to build jobs.
Carson:  Fair/Flat tax, no exemptions.  Stop spending so much money.  Get rid of regulations.   We are killing our people.  It is not the ‘rich’ like Sanders/Hillary say, it is the government.
Trump: Republicans and Democrats see it but they can’t agree.

Entitlements, Medicare:
Rubio:  What I am not going to do is like what Ted Cruz is suggesting, like they do in Europe with the VAT and income tax. I’ll side with Ronald Reagan and not Nancy Pelosi.
Cruz:  This is not a VAT tax, it is a flat business tax.  It eliminates the death tax, payroll tax. Mine is 10% and the tax plan goes up to 35%, leaving in the complexity.  Art Laffer wrote the plan for Ronald Reagan and says my plan is the best.
Rubio:  You are not going to eliminate the IRS because someone has to collect the taxes.
Christie:  No one up here wants to answer the question about Entitlements because it is hard.
Carson:  We released out tax plans, and multiple journals said mine is the best.

Trump is a billionaire;  will you have a blind trust:
Trump:  Ivanka and Donald [Jr] can run the company.  I wouldn’t care about anything but my country.

Crime spikes in 30 cities:
Christie:  FBI director is a friend of mine.  They give the benefit of the doubt to the criminal.
Kasich:  I created a task force long ago.

Immigrant green cards:   [Here, you can read the transcript for yourself, link is below.]
Rubio:  It’s been debated for 30 years.  Keep America safe. 
Cruz:  I’ve been leading to stop;   Marco was on the other side.
Rubio:  You used to support [this, that, the other] and now you are against it.
Cruz:  He had no fewer than 11 attacks there and half are flat-out false.  [Details]

Before and After ‘word cloud’ about national safety:
[J.Bush changes the subject to the back-and-forth.]   23million files hacked by Chinese.

Closing Statements:
Kasich: (60 seconds). J.Bush: (Florida jobs). Christie: (Obama fantasyland);
Carson:  I’ve encountered so many Americans who are angry [w/DC] “We the People”.  Heal.
Rubio:  200 yrs ago, our rights come from God. The American miracle.  Now, it feels different.  In 2008 we elected someone who wants to change America.  2016 is a turning point; HRClinton would make it much worse.
Cruz:  “13 Hours” will show the incredible bravery and politicians that abandoned them.  This commander in chief abandons the military;  Hillary Clinton sides with “All Lives Matter”.  If elected, I will strengthen the military and “I will have your back.”
Trump:  I stood yesterday with 75 construction workers.  They had tears streaming down their faces as they watched Iranians with guns to our soldiers heads.  It was a terrible sight;  it was a terrible sight.  The only reason we got them back was because of the stupid Deal giving them $150BILLION.  If I’m elected president, there won’t be future stupid deals.

NOTE: In interviews with Neil Cavuto immediately after, we liked Carson, Trump, and Cruz. He spent the most time with Ted Cruz and attacks on Ted Cruz being born by an American mom in Canada. 
This will be like pesky gnats with no effect. Trump actually inoculated Cruz by bringing it up first for the Iowa vote.

NOTE:  As noted above, we like what other minor candidates say: Fiorina, Christie, and even Kasich make excellent points against Obama and HRClinton, but this is already known and could be said by the main two candidates, Trump and Cruz, who each spoke about the other being their VP, maybe.

You will want to browse through or read in detail the transcript:
You can also use the FIND command to search for your favorite topics, like [values].

We enjoyed watching the three ‘undercard’ candidates. Here’s the transcript:
They hit Obama/Hillary hard.  These points are also made by the top two or three.

Here is the Wikipedia entry, for what it’s worth: 

This concludes our NOTES on the sixth Republican Debate.  

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