Saturday, June 11, 2016

The "Anti-Trump"

Why does Mitt Romney "tear up" as he tries (unsuccessfully) to rip Donald J. Trump?

"Romney rips 2016 also-rans for losing to Trump" is the article headline today in Politico.  So you may be interested in (1) his reasons, (2) Donald Trump's Tweet back, and (3) my analysis of women and Mormons, (since Lynnette and I are LDS also).

Subtitle of the Politico article: "Mitt gets emotional: 'Seeing this just breaks [Mitt's] heart.'

He says that nothing would be worse than "Mak[ing] America Great Again" with Trump.  Why does he say this when Trump list all ten very Conservative points, starting with The Wall?

PARK CITY, Utah -- Mitt Romney laid into the large and rambunctious group of 2016 Republican candidates here on Saturday, arguing that they deserved a share of the blame for the rise of Donald Trump.   ...   "Their biggest failure was attacking each other and not the frontrunner."

"[Trump] played it extreemly well" tapping into a deep vein of voter frustration.

Romney accuses Trump of "racism, bigotry, and misogyny [male chavanism]."

Trump's response: "I'm not sure he knows what a misogynist is. And I am the least racist perosn that you have ever seen.  Mitt Romney had his chance to beat a failed president but he choked like a dog.  Now he calls ma a racist--but I am the least racist person there is."

So what is Mitt Romney talking about?  Trump said that rapists were coming across the border as illegal aliens. This is racist and bigoted?  Romney must have some other reason for opposing the non-ESTABLISHMENT outsider: Trump is not in the 'Elite Club' who want the status quo.

What is not recognized is that it is not the man but rather the MESSAGE of the MOVEMENT.  It is time to "Make America Great Again!"  Candidates like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz make the same points, but not with the 'bluster' we expect when we see America going over the cliff.

Romney, too, had the opportunity but was 'too polite' and lost.  Now he expects Trump to follow the same path of defeat to the Democrats?  Romney is also right that voters are frustrated that Republicans had the votes and power of the purse and didn't do what they were elected to do.

Yes, it is extreme "voter frustration"!   [Soon to end w/Trump!!]

I'll 'reply' to a previous post to discuss how women fit into The Plan of Happiness, but basically, it follows the thought that motherhood is divine, and our noble women are held in very, very high esteme, first in the home, and then professionally.  This is the corporate view of Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization.  Also consider his amazing wife and children.

Trump is appealing to common-sense in broad appeal as never seen before.  The reason some ESTABLISHMEMT Republicans seem to complain is they didn't achieve this first for themselves.

Read the Political article [with this in mind]: 

1 comment:

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Further, "God is in control" believe me! Trump is the president for our time. Republicans, Independents and crossover Democrats wanted to find a fighter and they found one in Donald J. Trump. Hillary doesn't have a chance. It will not be like when Romney spoke against Obama policies but didn't punch back.

This time will be different.