Sunday, May 8, 2016

Religion Culture Politics

 Religion  .GT.  Culture  .GT.  Politics, in that Politics is war for men, the traditional American culture includes women; but Religious-passion trumps them all!
Did you have an excellent Mother’s Day?  We are reminded that women have the ultimate power because spiritual strength trumps physical strength.  Look at Helen of Troy—the men of Rome/Italy and the men of Athens/Greece were ‘crazy’ over her beauty and charm.  Look at the influence that Michelle “My Belle” Obama had over Barack Hussein Obama. 

Politics is war to some people.  Men are from Mars (the god of war) and women are from Venus (the goddess of romance).  So although men want to solve things immediately, women have the better overview—they see the total forest and men see the leaves on the trees.  Quite often, the women are willing to let the men fight and just turn them to the right direction.

But what we see is that the American culture has degraded and some men didn’t even know it happened.  Rush Limbaugh teaches that (among other reasons) Liberalism is insidious and easy to creep in, like socialized medicine and Planned Parenthood. Liberals never sleep but Conservatives assume they can just rest in peace.  Not so !!!  Further, what we see is that when it comes to voting, a lot of voters will just go with the pop culture, even when it is rotting.

But even though the popular culture of many will capture the vote, with passion and the right message and messenger RELIGIOUS ZEAL can overcome both politics and culture.  For example, Jihadists have a religious zeal, but anti-Jihadists have an equal zeal.  They fight for a false god, and we fight for the true god, Jesus Christ, (or Jehovah if you are Jewish) and Heavenly Father (they are one in purpose) i.e., the creator.  Did you know there is a new Muslim Reform Movement that condemns Jihad?

Rush Limbaugh is a lot like Donald Trump in that he used colorful language, speaking the truth, for a few years, but his brother David Limbaugh convinced him that a better tone would be more to the liking of a wider audience.   

At any rate, your counterpoints and discussion are encouraged.  Type a ‘comment’ under this post.   

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