Thursday, April 28, 2016


The MESSAGE … And it's Importance  Donald J. Trump brings the Conservative Message (like never before!)  Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity explain the Trump Phenomenon as the importance of the message: (1) Barack Hussein Obama has succeeded beyond the wildest dreams of his father in radically changing USA for the worse, bringing it down notches to other nation levels in some areas, like national DEBT and degrading the Military. Etc-Long-List. … (2) Conservative/Republicans have not fulfilled their election promises to stand against the degradation of the nation.  There are a few who tried, but ESTABLISHMENT Republicans care more about their power/positions than saving USA. (3)  Elite-Club Republicans and Democrats shun true Conservatives, like Ted Cruz, and outsiders like Donald J. Trump. Most Media is part of the Establishment, as are some ‘conservative’ talk show hosts.

Remember what made the Rush Limbaugh Show #1 in America:  The Liberal monopoly left a void of what many and most Americans saw, thought, and knew.  They were giving half-truths and lies.

In both instances, then with Rush Limbaugh saying what people were thinking, the Truth; and now, with Donald Trump also speaking the Truth, it fills a void and THE MESSAGE carries the day.  Ted Cruz was also able to fill this void and win the Presidency, but Donald Trump has been more forceful. .!.

As one talk radio caller said, (modified slightly):
Cruz:  “You have rats in your attic, and I can fix it.”
Trump:  “You have DAMN rats in your attic, and I can fix it, NOW!”

Your comments are welcome and solicited. What do you think and say?  When we view the seriousness of the American situation, anyone who speaks in polite terms doesn’t see the gravity of $20TRILLION left for our kids and grandkids, which will NEVER be paid off without Cruz or Trump. 

Rush Limbaugh also observes and teaches that Trump is not an ideologue: he doesn’t see Left and Right but rather what is good for America. Further, this national election is ‘situational’, not ‘political’. Let’s Roll !!!  It won't be politics as usual.  The GOP is forever changed.  

1 comment:

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Ted Cruz is a true Conservative (and some view his committment as an 'ideologue' which seems to turn some Evangalists, and others, off. View the primary in South Carolina. Trump, on the other hand, talks about all of the Conservative issues, pro-Life, reducing debt, holding Congress to fiscal responsibility, building the WALL, securing the border, boosting the Economy, killing ISIS, untying our soldiers, fixing USA foreign policy, preventing the Iran bomb/nuke capability, and anything you have heard the best candidates mention. The difference is his forceful decorum.