Wednesday, November 11, 2015

4th DEBATE last evening (color commentary) Click and scroll to read it all .!.

Our Conservative Report on the 4th DEBATE, 11/10/2015
 There were great points (four hopefuls) in the ‘under-card’ debate, but we
focus on the color/high-points of our top favorites only. Find a transcript.

Our thinking: (1) main candidates could say the same; (2) Transcripts exist.

The color guard presented the Stars and Stripes, followed by a solo. 
The audience must have been told to not sing (singer was not that good.)
There was no accompaniment and she drifted up and down on the pitch!
Next, a prepared video to introduce the debate (at 9:01pmET) Road to WH.
It ends with a short clip of Ronald Reagan, speaking at the mic, red tie.

Neil Cavuto says they will quote their own words and what others replied.

Minimum Wage ($15), for Trump:  No.  We are being beaten on every front. We don’t win anymore; my Tax Plan will work.  Leave it the way it is; people work hard. “I would not raise the minimum.”  [He re-coins, leaving out ‘wage’.]

Jobs and minimum wage, for Carson:  People need to be educated on the minimum wage; only 19.8% of Black teenagers have a job.  I worked as a lab assistant, gaining experience.  Be responsible.  Ascend the ladder of opportunity.

Giving away $$, for Rubio:  Let me answer this and the first question (parents worked for a better life in America.)  The Economy is not providing JOBS. Raise the minimum wage and low-earners will be replaced with machines.  Here’s a better way:  ……   For the life of me, I don’t know why we have stigmatized laborers:  welders make more than philosophers.

$20TRILLION IN DEBT, for Kasich:  My Father carried mail on his back.
[Our note on this one is an example of not typing while he filibusters.]

Tax Reform, for Cruz:  It’s the most important question:  bring back economic growth.  The Obama Economy is a disaster, and it doesn’t have to be.  1. Tax reform, a bold 10% flat tax;  2. Pull back regulators;  3. Sound money.  The results have been phenomenal when tried with JFK and Ronald Reagan.
[On the other hand, our note here is an example of typing brilliance.]

Many have given up, for Bush:  WSJ praises my plan. Repeal every rule of Obama.  Start over.  Be serious about being serious. HRClinton says the policies of Barack Obama get an ‘A’.  It may be the best that she can do, but it is not the best that America can do.


Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Adding jobs, for Fiorina: A woman said she goes to bed every night afraid for her daughter’s future. Do five things: 1. Zero-based budgeting; 2. Have a 3pg tax code; 3. Review regulations; 4. Reins Act; 5. Hold officials accountable.
[Cf: ]

CEO salary for Paul: We ought to look where income inequality is the worst: cities run by Democrats. Look for root causes. Also blame the Federal Reserve.

NOTE: Moderators are doing very well (on schedule with candidates beating the bell.) For example, Trump had only one 90-second comment. We cut away for commercials, starting with the Moby Dick movie.

Your personal story and trust, for Carson: First, thanks for not asking me what I said and did in the 10th grade. I have no problem being vetted, but not being lied about. I don’t even mind that, if they do it to the other side. HRClinton told her daughter it was a terror attack and others it was a video. Where I come from, I call that a lie. The words they used was ‘scholarship’. We have to treat people them same. The people that know me, know I am an honest person.

Obama wanted 5million illegals, for Trump: I was so happy when that decision came down. Frankly, we have to stop illegal immigration, drugs, [cheap] work force. The courts have not been ruling in our favor. Vote was two to one. We are a country that has borders. Properly done, the walls work, ask Israel. We have a country of laws—they have to go out, and come back. We have to run the country properly. [Kasich speaks out of turn.] Ike moved them across the border and they came back. They moved a million and a half out; they came back. He moved them way down and they didn’t come back. We have no choice. [J.Bush speaks out of turn.] We have millions that want to come in legally—very unfair to them.

Robots in manufacturing, for Rubio: We are in a massive transformation. We are in a global competition. Regulations and high business taxes hurt. Our higher education is outdated and doesn’t teach modern skills.

Entitlements, for Cruz: [Answers] If Republicans join Democrats as the party of Amnesty, We Will Lose! We should enforce the law and that is not anti. Rule of law. Try going to China, Japan, or Mexico (illegally). [He gets the bell, twice. He also receives a lot of applause and cheers from the Republican audience.]

Regulation, for Fiorina: Obamacare has to be repealed. Big Drugs wrote it.
[You should read her transcript, it’s brilliant, she is a cancer survivor.]

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Another commercial break (is this strange, or what?) Lots of movie ads.

“13 Hours—The secret soldiers of Benghazi” a five-minute moving ad on Michael Bay’s movie.

In the current debate this was a very moving promo-ad; so appropriate ~ Hillary!

Tithing, for Carson: Everybody should have the same proportion. Get rid of the loopholes. Set the rate at the appropriate level. People had homes before the federal income tax; we had charity from churches also. Give the people more money and they will be more charitable. Give a rebate to those below the poverty level.

Blow up the IRS, for Paul: A great question, Neal. I want small gov’t. My penny plan balances the budget in five years, with cuts.

Your Tax Plan, for Cruz: There are more words in the current tax plan than in the Bible. Pay no taxes on the first $30,000 and above that 10% for everyone. Business tax would be 16%, when some pay little while small businesses get hammered. Go to my website for specifics. Abolish the IRS. Double-digit increases will happen, $5,000 dollars in your pocket if you are a single mom. Exports will be free of that tax, but imports will be taxed. [Follow up.] We eliminate five departments, see specificity on

Tax Reform, for Bush: I’ll fight as hard as I can, to simplify. [Bush is holding his own, speaking well with his hands, voice, posture, red tie, lapel-flag—but will it be enough? He hammers HRClinton several times.] [Trump wants to speak but the moderator says “in a second.”]

Tax credit for families, for Rubio: The most important is family; have a pro-family tax code. In some instances, child care is more expensive than college. [Rand Paul just starts talking and to say it is money they didn’t pay. “Is this Conservative to add a trillion dollars?”] Rubio pounds him into the ground.

Fiorina and Ted Cruz both start speaking and moderator can’t stop them so Ted Cruz wins the floor. After a while he gets the bell, after talking about sugar companies paying. Fiorina gets her turn to promote zero-base budgeting.

Trump is allowed to speak: I agree with Marco and Ted. We have to have a strong military, and either of those plans is better than what we have now.

International trade, for Trump: The TPP is a terrible deal; China will take advantage. There are 5,000 pages and nobody can read and understand it. [This is the point of Mark Levin. Government aides wrote it.] Trump gives the

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facts of the trade balances with different countries. Moderator doubles down by saying some of it is trade free.

Trump: Look at the way that everybody takes advantage, China is the worst, and currency manipulation is not even discussed in the proposed agreement.

Ron Paul makes a point about China that Trump cedes. See a transcript.

[Break: Another football movie ad, like Rudy, starts this weekend.]

Security threats, for Carson: Putting the 50 special ops soldiers was better than nothing. Putin tries to spread his influence in the Middle East and we have to oppose him and China. We need to expand our concern more broadly. Jihadists need to be made to look like losers. Destroy their caliphate in Iraq. Take their land and energy. Destroy them before they destroy us.

Biggest Threat, for Bush: Threat of Terror. [He expands.]

Ukraine, for Trump: First of all, it is not just Russia, it is N.Korea. We don’t talk about that madman. China is becoming a force. I got to know Putin on 60 minutes. If he wants to blow the Hell out of ISIS, I’m all for it. [J.Bush is not allowed to jump in, “Hold it; hold it”, says Trump, with his ‘talk to the hand’ gesture.] ISIS blew up an airplane and Putin cannot be in love with them. We can’t continue to be the Police of the whole world. We have countries around Ukraine that aren’t doing anything. They say, “Keep going, keep going, keep going you dummies—keep protecting us.” We have to get smart. “We owe $19TRILLION, we have a country that’s going to Hell, we have an infrastructure (roads/buildings) falling apart, and we have to start investing money in our country!”

J.Bush “Donald is absolutely wrong on this; he is absolutely wrong on this.”
[Read the transcript for Trump’s response, after talking to generals.]
[Carly Fiorina jumps in about talking to Putin from a position of power.]
[She always ignores the first bell, and also the double second bells.]
[She would be fantastic debating the architect of Benghazi; long applause.]

Talking to the enemy, for Paul: Know what we are getting into.
Trump, “Why does she keep interrupting everybody?” [Carly]

Rubio: I’ve never met Putin, but I know he is an organized-crime gangster.
[Rubio is great, to wild applause.] It is us, or them. Take them seriously!

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

You?, for Kasich: Messages in the Middle East. TPP is good, critical to us.
[Supporting TPP dooms Kasich with Conservatives. Learn from Mark Levin.]

Bank bailout, for Bush: Dodd-Frank [bad]. He starts a sentence, …stutters.

Major Banks $2.6TRILLION, for Carson: Policy makes it easy for them; same with corporation, to buy back their stocks. We need to get back to entrepreneurs. We have let the creep of regulation take over. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders will say the rich are hurting the poor, but it is regulations against the free market. Take all of the money of the rich and it won’t make a dent in helping the poor.

Rubio agrees, “The government made them big by adding thousands and thousands of pages of regulations.” In Dodd-Frank we have codified the outrage.

Reign in Wall Street, for Cruz: Cronyism underlies all of this.
[Ted Cruz explains it very well with concepts about the Fed we have not heard; he gives a few lessons to Cavuto, not saying customers/customers of Bank of America would lose everything, but rather the central bank would be a bank of last resort, at a higher interest rate. We had a gold standard for 170 years. A sound policy helps working men and women.]

Carly Fiorina points out that this is how Socialism begins; create a problem and then step in to inefficiently solve the problem they created.
[She is doing great, speaking through the bells again, to applause.]

Beat HRClinton, for Rubio: [Maria Bartiromo gets laughing, booing, jeering, and disapproval when she says HRClinton has great experience and a great resume.] That’s a great question [chuckles] and let me begin to answer. A growing number of Americans feel they are not in the country of promise. Etc. A direct consequence of when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. So here’s the truth: this election is about the future. Democrats have no new ideas, just a new tax on everyone and a new government program. If I am the nominee, they will be the party of the past, and we will be the party of the future. [Cheers!]

[Ted Cruz must have raised his hand, we don’t see—he starts talking to say about the same thing.] Under her leadership, the Middle East has gotten worse, we abandoned Israel, w/Obama Iran gets $150BILLION. Etc. Everything she touches [rots] and I’ll tell you another thing, Hillary Clinton exemplifies DC cronyism.

Capitalism and money abroad, for Trump: Corporate inversion leads to companies going to other countries, with trillions of dollars. Let the money back in, more than $2.5TRILLION. Fix the tax rate 10% and get rid of roadblocks. Let’s make America great again, as I said.

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Climate Change, for Rand Paul: Nature also has a role, billions yrs warm/cool.
Two people try to be the next to talk, J.Bush wins, Kasich loses. Cavuto wins.

Closing statements of 30 seconds each (Rand Paul to Donald Trump).

Paul: We borrow a million dollars a minute. Can you be Conservative?

Kasich: Sanders or Clinton [pound us into the ground] Bottom up.

Fiorina: Imagine a Clinton Adm.( Lies). Etc. I will beat her.

Bush: Jane Horton is sitting with my wife; restore honor.

Cruz: 59 yrs ago, my Father fled Cuba. Promise of America. Get back to the Constitution. We paint in bold colors and turn this nation around.

From the W-Post transcript: “America is in crisis now. I believe in America. And if we get back to the free market principles and constitutional liberties that built this country, we can turn this country around. I believe that 2016 will be an election like 1980, that we will win by following Reagan's admonition to paint in bold colors, not pale pastels. We're building a grassroots army. I ask you to join us at And we, the people, can turn this nation around.”

Rubio: America, for 200 years, every generation being better. I ask you for your vote and ask you to join us at my website,

Carson: In the two hours of this debate, five people have died from drug-related deaths, $100million has been added to our national debt, 200 babies have been killed by abortionists, and two veterans have taken their lives out of despair. This is a picture we can change. Never give it away for Political Correctness.

Trump: Thank you. Over the years, I’ve created tens of thousands of jobs [gesturing with his hands, looking presidential] in a great company. I don’t have to give you a website because I am self-funding with my own money. I want to do something very special to make our country great again. We cannot let Hillary Clinton, who is the worst secretary of state the world has ever known, win. We have to make America better than ever before, and we can do that.

Cavuto: We let you talk over each other; it was a riveting debate, not about us, but about issues. We thank you for saving time by talking over each other. [During the next hour, Neil Cavuto conducts five-minute friendly one-on-one interviews with the best candidates to further question them and give them a

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

chance to expand on a point or two. He received high marks and praise for his moderating. He spends extra time with Trump, Carson and Cruz. ]

In the current debate this was a very moving promo-ad; so appropriate ~ Hillary!
This official trailer for the movie definitely won the debate, steeling true Americans.
Be sure to read the reader comments on how they (all of us) were moved to tears!

Trump destroyed the chances of Carly with six words:
“Why does she keep interrupting everybody?”
To ‘step it back a notch’ w/Cavuto after, he praises her, twice.

TO REEMPHASIZE OUR POINT: Lesser candidates made powerful
statements in both debates, but our favorites could say the same things !

This is a good transcript and you can enter ctrl-F to find text, like [Trump].
“Who said what and what it meant: The 4th GOP debate, annotated”
You can see what Liberals in media are thinking at the W-Post, Aaron Blake is great. He links to others who are butthead-Liberals.

Also, the ‘under-card’ debate:

Postscript from your humble editors: We will post these notes somewhere,
and tell you later about our new Conservative website. We long for prior site!

★ Conservative color-commentary on the 4th Debate!

(either with your real name or you penname.) Click on “Comment”.