Saturday, September 19, 2015

Second Debate (condensed text, color commentary)

 My NOTES on the Second Republican Debate:

Debate Two at the Reagan Library on September 16th 2015

At 5pmPT, candidates are walking in on the second floor around Air Force One;  Jeb Bush leads with the escort, Carly Fiorina in a purple dress, and Trump at the end, visiting with another candidate.  In pre-analysis, CNN John King is fair (mainly) and Jeffrey Lord has the correct perspective.  Some probably want Trump to win so the Democrat can win later (in their view) and one can hope that Democrat will be retired Marine Virginian Jim Webb .

Pictures were taken of the 15 candidates standing in a line.  [We are not listening to the pre-analysis, but see  Wolfe Blitzer take it from Anderson Cooper and his panel.]  Dr Ben Carson is saying something to Donald Trump, Jeb Bush on the other side of Trump who is center-stage.   Carly opens her water bottle; they all have a blank pad and a pen.  [movie ad; car ad; CNN ad; movie ad.  Did CNN pay like Trump wanted?]

Jake Taper is standing and welcoming the 11 leading Republican candidates, “Anything can happen!”  Nancy Reagan is in attendance.   The Salem Radio Network goes around the world—Hugh Hewitt and Dana Bash are seated and will join in. 

Self-introductions, from left to right, Trump in the middle because of polling.
Senator Rand Paul introduces himself, highlighting the Constitution; Huckabee says none of them are under federal investigation, rather the A-Team;  Marco Rubio mentions his wife and children and love of country;  Ted Cruz is the son of immigrants, a Dad of two little girls, only one to stand up;  Ben Carson is with his wife Candy; very concerned about direction and future of children; retake our right, welcomes Carly Fiorina;  Donald Trump: I made billions (not bragging), take care of our vets, make America great again.  Jeb Bush to fix a broken DC, rise up again;  Scott Walker praises Ronald Reagan, took on WI status quo, go big and bold;  Cary Fiorina (pause)  Good evening, my story, husband drove a tow truck, potential is being crushed.  Ohio Gov John Kasich, I flew on this plane with Reagan, restore the shining city on a hill.  NJ Chris Christie, take the camera off of me and put it on the audience:  “How many of you feel you have a better life and government because of Barack Obama?”  [no one]  Etc.

Would Trump be dangerous controlling the nuclear codes?
Carly:  He is a wonderful person as an entertainer. It will be revealed over time.
Trump:  Rand Paul is #11 and shouldn’t be on the stage;  I have a great temperament.  I’m a businessman.
Paul:  I laugh. Do we want careless language?  I worry about Trump; is it JrHS.
Trump: I’ve been in politics, on the other side, I’ve done well in politics—now number one.
Bush: The next president will have to fix instability and it requires a steadiness.
Scott Walker jumps in:  You are using the talking points [of Obama] look at bankruptcy.
Trump:  Everybody knows I never went bankrupt. You tubed in Iowa.  You lost $2.2Billion.
Walker:  Just because he says it doesn’t make it true [Details] Take note of this.

Taper wants to move on, but Kasich insists to say: TV viewers will turn it off unless we get issues.
Christie: I’m a Republican in NJ and wake up every morning as an outsider.
Carson: Typically, politicians do what is expedient; but I’m concerned with divisiveness, people have already seen who is a politician and who is not.
Carly: A fish is bad but only swims in water.  Vets die; border is open; leaders must challenge.


Thomas Jefferson, 1776 Patriot said...

Trump is not bought and paid for; you are a puppet?
J.Bush: We led the nation in job growth. Donald Trump wanted a casino in FL.
Trump: I did not! If I had wanted it, I would have gotten it. Lobbyists have strong power.
I did a damn good job getting along with everybody. Jeb, don’t make things up.

Dr Carson: Can I join? I will not lick the boots of millionaires; the people are in charge.

Syria is being propped up by Russia. What would you do to get them out?
Trump: Putin has absolutely no respect for Obama. Why are we fighting ISIS and al Quida in Syria; let them fight it out and then pick up the pieces. We get along with nobody. We will have a more stable world.
Rubio: Putin wants to reposition Russia as USSR and trying to destroy NATO. In the next few weeks, The Russians will begin to fly in. He will say USA is not an ally for Egypt and Russia will.
Fiorina: I’ve met Putin and I wouldn’t trust him at all. Russia is in Syria right now, etc. Rebuild power.

Rip up the Iran Deal?
Ted Cruz: The biggest threat is a nuclear Iran, catastrophic. $150Billion pays for Terrorism. I will rip it to shreds on the first day in office. Obama used the UN to take away our sovereignty. I took on the UN in a historic case. No president has the right to give away our sovereignty.
Kasich: I would not have done this bad deal. We can’t go alone. We don’t know what will happen in 18 months; I serve for 18 years. It they cheat, we slap the sanctions back on.

Ron Paul on China: Reagan talked to Russia during the cold war. We leave lines open.
Walker: Why would you give a special dinner for China?
Bush: Don’t cancel the dinner; send a deterrent to China. We have other tools to confront.
Bush: We can support the right side in Iran and give the right message to Israel.
Huckabee insists and talks over Taper: This threatens Western civilization! This president sees the Deal as the Magna Carta but Iran sees it as toilet paper.

Hugh Hewitt: Obama drew a red line in the sand; Senators backed the president.
Trump: Obama doesn’t have the courage.
Rubio: Our military is not to give a ‘pin prick’ like Obama said.
Paul: It gets to wisdom—had we bombed, Syria would be in Baghdad. It backfires.
Cruz: The first test is our interests. Obama couldn’t say what we would do if chemical weapons ended up in the wrong hands [mentions a terror group in pacific.] John Kerry said, “Can we meet you half way.” I want to debate Hillary and say, your way will fund Iran and my way will save America.
Kasich insists on talking over the moderator, with passion and hand gestures bout sanctions.
Cruz: We give them a month to hide weapons and then inspect themselves. Obama is abusing the Constitution by not handing over the side deals with Iran.

Huckabee answers the Kim Davis and Christianity issue. I’m not up here to fight with J.Bush. I thought everybody here passed 7th grade civics: the Supreme Court can’t make the law and decision. Jefferson said it would be tyranny of the courts. [Extreme passion which you should read.]
Bush to Taper: You are not stating my views right. Her conscience needs accommodation; solved at the local level.

Thomas Jefferson, 1776 Patriot said...

Dana Bash question on Planned Parenthood, and shutting down the government.
Kasich: We are trying in our state; give governors, be careful shutting down gov’t.
Cruz: I’m proud to stand for life. Are the Planned Parenthood practices you values? It’s a felony.
Christy: We didn’t surrender in NJ. I defunded it eight times. Let’s ask HRClinton. We should force the president to take action like tax reform.
Fiorina: Look at the character of this nation; I would call Bibi Netanyahu; make it difficult for Iran. A dare HRClinton and Obama to watch the videos: heart beating, harvest it’s brain. Shame on us!

Women and choice:
J.Bush: I’m the most pro-Life person on this stage; we fund pregnancy offices. Title Ten is the answer. Under Reagan it didn’t get funded; under Clinton it got refunded.
Trump: Nobody mentions the maniac in N.Korea and a couple of other places.
Bush: There are 13,000 offices that get money for … [back and forth, repeat, repeat]
Walker: Why can’t we defund it? Pass it in Congress with 51 votes and put it on Obama’s desk.

You said, Look at that face, then said it was about persona. What about his persona?
Fiorina: Trump said Bush said it clearly; American women heard you clearly. [applause]
Trump: I think she has a beautiful face and is a beautiful woman. [She doesn’t smile, doubting.]

[Ad break after one hour of catfights, some refusing to attack others on stage as suggested by CNN.]

Immigration has been a combustible topic:
Trump: I want to build a wall that works; we have bad dudes in this country; they go, gangs in Chicago. I will make sure laws apply to illegals. You wouldn’t be discussing; and I was right on sanctuary cities. They will go out and come back if they deserve to. It can be done with proper management and with heart.
Christie: I enforce the law. For 15,000/da for two years is not possible with current police officers. Yes, we need a wall and fingerprints to say when the time is up.
Trump: It costs $200billion/yr with illegals.
Carson: We have an incredible problem; I was in AZ, and the fences were of the type that would not slow kids down. If we don’t seal the border, the rest doesn’t matter. It goes on and on with drugs, it’s ridiculous. [CNN wants to have contrary comments and Carson won’t speak against Trump: “If someone can show me how it can be done, I’ll consider.”]
[[J.Bush wants an apology for his Hispanic wife. Trump says he said nothing wrong.
Trump wins on this one, including w/Common Core.]]
J.Bush: I wrote a book that requires securing the border. Hundreds of Billions to deport.
Trump: We are spending $200Billion/yr on maintaining [illegals]. They’ll come back legally.

Dana Lash wants more argument, J.Bush speaking Spanish.
Trump: People needs to assimilate.
Rubio: English is a unifying language; my grandfather taught me in Spanish; we have been blessed.

Carson: Not what I said. Six-month people before they become illegal.
Cruz: I’m glad that Donald Trump forced media to talk about Illegal Immigration; I’ll let Ben Carson talk about his own plan. How many on this stage has supported massive Amnesty? I’m the only one leading the fight to triple the force and build the wall.
Rubio: I live with the aspect of it: and we have three systems. Legal; illegal; and those already here. We tried unifying all three and it didn’t work. It won’t come with one massive bill. We need a wall; employment enforcement, and third on merit not just having a relative.
Carson: My plan is not amnesty. They don’t get to vote. I talked about the incredible success in Yuma County. Just implement what works.

Thomas Jefferson, 1776 Patriot said...

Trump on anchor babies: The 14th Amendment is read by real scholars, not TV analysts. She walks across the border and has the baby, and we take care of the baby for 85 years. It’s not just Mexico. We are one of the only countries this stupid.
Fiorina: Democrats have been in charge and got nothing; they wanted it to be an issue. San Francisco has been a sanctuary city since 1989 and there are 300 of them.
Trump: I agree 100% about Democrats. This is not Constitutional and can be solved without going to Congress.
Rand: There has never been a complete Supreme Court ruling; applied to slaves, not others.

On company leadership, you or Trump?
Fiorina: We doubled the size of HP under tough choices. 300,000 jobs, etc. Lead again.
Trump: HP fired another 25,000 because they bought Compac and hasn’t recovered. She can’t run any of my companies.
Fiorina: Politicians ran up mountains of debt using other people’s money; casinos failed.
Trump: Wait a minute, Carly, I let you speak. [details]
Christie: I’m as entertained as anyone but audience could care less about your careers. You’re both successful and congratulations. [To moderators and candidates: Stop the childishness.]
Fiorina: This election is about leadership, solving problems. Unlock potential in others.

Hedgefund workers need to be taxed more?
Kasich: I’m the only one that led to cutting taxes in Congress, 300,000 jobs in Ohio. At the end of the day we need to come together for people to rise. I’ve done it, with Democrats.
Huckabee: I have a different idea: get rid of taxing people who produce. Use a Fair Tax. Reagan got elected not by telling how great he was, but how great the American people are.
Carson: It’s all about America. [Questioners misunderstands Trump’s position.] It is time for the government to get out of the way and let the people decide.
Trump: I’ll publish a plan in about two weeks. Hedgefund people will not like me; some pay no tax.
Paul: The way to go is a flat tax of 14.5%.
Walker: Minimum wage and taxation is about jobs. Reagan brought in the longest boom. Start with repealing Obamacare on day one; I’m the only one with a plan.
Carson: Index the minimum wage: a starter minimum wage for youth; another for older people.
Walker: In WI we raised everyone up, not talk about how low the minimum is.

Hewitt asks questions about HRClinton as secretary:
Kasich: I talk about my success [details] I defeated Democrats.
Fiorina: Mrs Clinton is going to have to defend her lying track record. I’ve traveled also.
Christie: I will prosecute her on stage; server could have been hacked; she knows she is wrong.

[Ads at 6:47pmPT including Ron Paul ad in San Diego, but not in Los Angeles, FYI.]

Foreign issues [trying to pit one against another, the only CNN way.]
Trump: Hugh was giving me Arab name after Arab name, reading them off a sheet. I told him, I will have great teams and great people.
Rubio: These are important questions. N.Korea has weapons; China is building cities; Russians attack us with social media; The Iran Deal; these are extraordinary issues and need to be understood. The president is more respectful of the Iran leaders than of Israel. You need to be ready to lead on Day One.
[Split camera with Rubio and Trump]
Trump: I will know more about the problems when I take office; the Congress has a bad track record.
Rubio: We are about to leave our children with $18Trillion and about to raise the debt limit. Yes, I missed some votes to run for president.

Thomas Jefferson, 1776 Patriot said...

Your last name, the Big Elephant:
J.Bush: I’m my own man; experts served under prior Bush Adm. Send a signal that we are serious. Name a country that is better w/Obama/Hillary. World was safer.
Trump: I’m meeting with terrific people. I was opposed to going into Iraq, and was vocal. You have to know when to use the military. It’s about judgement: I said you would destabilize the Middle East.
J.Bush: He supported Hillary Clinton to deal with Iran. My brother kept us safe [applause]
Walker: We are more unsafe because of Barack Obama. There are great people on stage and I didn’t back down.
Paul: I was opposed to arming our enemies and the Iraq War. Iraq war made it worse, backfired.
Bush: When we pull back, voids are created. Now we have ISIS. I gave a strategy to take them out.
Rubio: Retreating makes things worse every time. I warned about Syria. The more we disengage the more you will see
Carson: When the war was about to start in Iraq, I suggested to President Bush he not go to war. Jihadists are an essential threat.

Christie: The next day after 9/11, my wife went to her office by the WTC. I could not reach her; what those wanted and deserved was to answer back. I support what G.W. Bush did going into Iraq. “Never again!” America was safe for those seven years. [applause]
Carson: President Bush was a great friend of ours and have been to the WH many times. I wasn’t suggesting that nothing be done, but use the Bully Pulpit. Become petroleum independent: they would have turned over bin-Laden in a moment.
Christie: They were out to kill us. When a plane went over, people worried.
Carson: I have no argument to having a strong leader; use your heard, don’t be weak.
[moderators don’t let anyone speak for more than 60seconds.]
Rubio: We allowed a vacuum [speaking with great force and passion.]
Huckabee: Just today, 50 analysts sent up happy-talk. We need good Intel. Obama doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.
Fiorina tries to talk over by saying, “We just spent the last ten minutes…” not allowed.
Walker: We need to lift the political restrictions and listen to military experts on how many more we send in. Not send a message to our enemies on how far and hard we go. [Moderators are using quotes of the candidates and asking them to respond if it is true, trying to distinguish and contrast.]
Rand: If you want boots on the ground; I’m not sending our sons and daughters back to Iraq. We can use our Air Force. Why are we always the patsies to fight for them?
Kasich: I called for boots on the ground. We need to take care of business and come home. You win with the battle of ideas. Murderers and rapists need to be called out and stand with Israel on religion.
Fiorina: Let’s talk about the future. We need 50 Army brigades, etc. {Thank you, domestic issues.}

Thomas Jefferson, 1776 Patriot said...

Dana Bash: Did your brother make a mistake with John Roberts as Trump said?
Bush: Recent past was to appoint people so you wouldn’t be attacked. Fight hard.
Cruz: I’ve known John Roberts, but he changed the law for political outcome. Two moments in time: 1999, [details] If instead, Obamacare would have been struck down three years ago and marriage would have been supported.
Bush: You supported the nomination of John Roberts. Etc. etc.
Cruz: It is true that after his nomination, and that was a mistake. David Souter and John Roberts didn’t have a long track record, and they took the easy path. I give you my word: every person I nominate those that support the Constitution.
Huckabee: You bet I would nominate correctly and ask, Do you believe in Life, the second amendment, and the 14th amendment. The 10th amendment, it’s left to the states if not enumerated specifically.

(Tom Hanks Spies movie ad. Political ad on immigration: to see stands. FanDuel. (Some people have too much time on their idle hands.) Coke ad; CNN ad; Ron Paul financial ad.]

Taper tries to bait Paul to fight Christie on legal marijuana:
Rand Paul: Tenth Amendment; racial outcome; drugs damage them; jail hurts them.
J.Bush: 40 years ago I didn’t make my mom happy; it goes way beyond that. The best way is to have drug courts to rehabilitate.
Paul presses on. [back-and-forth] You put poor people in jail.
J.Bush: I voted no.
Christie: NJ is first if you are non-violent, you don’t go to jail. Life is just precious as in the womb.
Paul: Understand what they are saying: federal law over state law. Let CO decide.
Christie: Recreational use is different than medical marijuana.
Paul: Can I respond? Here’s the thing. It is not consistent. [Someone is being a bonehead]
Fiorina: My husband and I buried a child; we must invest in drug prevention; it is not just a beer. We
need to tell our young people the truth, I know from personal experience.

Hewitt on gun control and mentally ill.
J.Bush: We need to do this state-by-state; it is complicated. Do not take away rights from 99.999% We have a background check in Florida. There needs to be a hearing.
Rubio: By definition criminals are not going to follow gun laws. Here’s the truth: you cannot have a strong country without strong people and families. Obama’s Adm is undermining.
Cruz: I led states in defending the second amendment and won in court.

Dana Bash calling Trump rich and tries to pit Christie against him.
Trump: It has no impact on others; as a policy I would leave it up to the people. I would give up my SocSec.
Christie: We need to save the program for those that need it. Mrs Clinton wants to put in money after lying to us. I put out a proposal.

Taper wants to talk about Climate Change and the Ozone Layer.
Rubio: We are not going to ruin our economy. Their proposals make it harder for hard working families. That policy will do absolutely nothing, and will not change the climate. I am not for any policy that will lose jobs for Americans.
Christie: I agree. You don’t need gov’t to be involved. In NJ we use solar power, and didn’t chase some wild Liberal-Democrat idea. Even George Shultz can make a mistake.
Rubio: You can measure the temperature. Obama will attack our economy and it will not affect the rise of the sea. Families do not know how they will pay their bills.
Walker: Thousands of manufacturing jobs will be lost and have no effect on the temperature.

Thomas Jefferson, 1776 Patriot said...

Taper turns to Carson about autism and vaccinations.
Carson: There have been numerous studies and have not been conclusive. Some prevent and save lives, others don’t. People want to get rid of big government. He can read about it.
Trump: Autism has become an epidemic. I am totally in favor of vaccines, over a longer period of time. You take this little baby and pump in what would be intended for a horse.
Carson: He’s an OK doctor [applause]. It is true we give too many and pediatricians are cutting down.
Rand Paul: George Washington wouldn’t let his wife come in until she was vaccinated.
Huckabee: There may be studies, but the next president should fight to solve cancer, diabetes heart disease and Alzheimer’s. We went to the moon; why can’t we solve these? These diseases waste $1.3TRILLION. [[ED: Follow the money for the answer.]]

What woman would you want to see on the $10 bill? Cruz would leave Hamilton, Founding Father.

Rawhide and Rainbow were the Secret Service code names for Ronald and Nancy Reagan. (You?)

Like Ronald Reagan, how will the world look different after you serve as POTUS? (Final statement.)

You can view a few moments of entertaining “video highlights”:

ED: The debate was less than ideal—it was revealing.
Watch it all, or move the slider at the bottom of the screen:

This condludes my NOTES on the SECOND Republican Debate .!.