Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What are YOUR thoughts about "Restoring American Greatness" .?.

There is a lot to do to undo The Obama Regime. Who can do it? The Elders of Israel?  No doubt.


Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Donald Trump is rolling while others are weak in comparison.

The GOP/RNC needs to notice how they can capitalize. .!.

Charles Edwin Shipp said...


Donald Trump is leading when others refused to show the appropriate passion, talk, and action. Now, those that criticize him deminish in popularity. Why do you think that is? Other hopefuls should follow his example, or stay out of the way.

George Washington, (Leader) said...

Lead, Follow, or Get Out Of The Way. Then think of Donald Trump.

Currently, American citizens are tired of hearing the names of Jihad leaders and nothing being done about them. Which was worse, for Donald Trump to not know the names of these thugs, or BHObama lifting the travel sanctions on the Jihad leader who facilitated IEDs being sent in to Iraq and Afghanistan?

Thomas Jefferson, 1776 Patriot said...

Let me know what I can do to help. Can I write something for USA?

Thomas Jefferson, 1776 Patriot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thomas Jefferson, 1776 Patriot said...

Where is your portrait picture? There it is. Check Wikipedia.

Thomas Jefferson, 1776 Patriot said...

Thomas Jefferson is watching you; observe the Constitution.

Thomas Jefferson, 1776 Patriot said...

Watch for a new site to come online before Christmas:

which will accept your comments under Founding Father pennames.

C.E.S. aka Thomas Jefferson, 1776 Patriot

Charles Edwin Shipp said...

Didn't happen. Let's talk here instead .!.!.!.!.!/

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Charles Edwin Shipp said...

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