Monday, June 27, 2016

George Will, Washington Post writer (Republican)

Because of the Republican Party nomination of Donald J. Trump, George Will announces he is leaving the Republican Party.  He says that Paul Ryan has not repudiated Trump enough.

What are your views and comments? Will this boister Trump (vs ESTABLISHMENT)? Or will it hurt Trump as Hillary Rodham C and her Campaign use it in ads against Trump?  Will it matter in November?  What it won't do is have any effect at the Republican Convention in Cleveland, July 18-21, 2016.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Donald J. Trump is 'specific' about his administration's first 100 days

Trump, being specific:    (Trump Adm first 100 days)
“Here are a few things a Trump Administration will do for America in the first 100 days:
1.  Appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution. Hillary Clinton’s radical judges will virtually abolish the 2nd amendment.
2.  Change immigration rules to give unemployed Americans an opportunity to fill good-paying jobs.
3.  Stand up to countries that cheat on trade, of which there are many.
4.  Cancel rules and regulations that send jobs overseas.
5.  Lift restrictions on energy production
6.  Repeal and replace job-killing Obamacare -- it is a disaster.
7.  Pass massive tax reform to create millions of new jobs.
8.  Impose tough new ethics rules to restore dignity to the Office of Secretary of State.
There is one common theme in all of these reforms. It’s going to be America First. This is why the stakes in November are so great. On election day, the politicians stand trial before the people. The voters are the jury. Their ballots are the verdict. We don’t need or want another Clinton or Obama.”

Saturday, June 11, 2016

The "Anti-Trump"

Why does Mitt Romney "tear up" as he tries (unsuccessfully) to rip Donald J. Trump?

"Romney rips 2016 also-rans for losing to Trump" is the article headline today in Politico.  So you may be interested in (1) his reasons, (2) Donald Trump's Tweet back, and (3) my analysis of women and Mormons, (since Lynnette and I are LDS also).

Subtitle of the Politico article: "Mitt gets emotional: 'Seeing this just breaks [Mitt's] heart.'

He says that nothing would be worse than "Mak[ing] America Great Again" with Trump.  Why does he say this when Trump list all ten very Conservative points, starting with The Wall?

PARK CITY, Utah -- Mitt Romney laid into the large and rambunctious group of 2016 Republican candidates here on Saturday, arguing that they deserved a share of the blame for the rise of Donald Trump.   ...   "Their biggest failure was attacking each other and not the frontrunner."

"[Trump] played it extreemly well" tapping into a deep vein of voter frustration.

Romney accuses Trump of "racism, bigotry, and misogyny [male chavanism]."

Trump's response: "I'm not sure he knows what a misogynist is. And I am the least racist perosn that you have ever seen.  Mitt Romney had his chance to beat a failed president but he choked like a dog.  Now he calls ma a racist--but I am the least racist person there is."

So what is Mitt Romney talking about?  Trump said that rapists were coming across the border as illegal aliens. This is racist and bigoted?  Romney must have some other reason for opposing the non-ESTABLISHMENT outsider: Trump is not in the 'Elite Club' who want the status quo.

What is not recognized is that it is not the man but rather the MESSAGE of the MOVEMENT.  It is time to "Make America Great Again!"  Candidates like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz make the same points, but not with the 'bluster' we expect when we see America going over the cliff.

Romney, too, had the opportunity but was 'too polite' and lost.  Now he expects Trump to follow the same path of defeat to the Democrats?  Romney is also right that voters are frustrated that Republicans had the votes and power of the purse and didn't do what they were elected to do.

Yes, it is extreme "voter frustration"!   [Soon to end w/Trump!!]

I'll 'reply' to a previous post to discuss how women fit into The Plan of Happiness, but basically, it follows the thought that motherhood is divine, and our noble women are held in very, very high esteme, first in the home, and then professionally.  This is the corporate view of Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization.  Also consider his amazing wife and children.

Trump is appealing to common-sense in broad appeal as never seen before.  The reason some ESTABLISHMEMT Republicans seem to complain is they didn't achieve this first for themselves.

Read the Political article [with this in mind]: 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Pre-California-Vote Debate that didn't happen

The DEBATE that didn’t happen

Everyone thought it was great that Donald J. Trump thought (for just a brief moment) and then said it was a great idea to accept a debate with second-rung Crazy Bernie. It was suggested by show host Jimmy Kimmel since Mrs Clinton had declined to debate Sanders. In a second quick thought, you could see Trump add:  it would need to be a commercial venture since it would bring a lot of ad revenue, and profits should be given to charity.

Rush Limbaugh said this was brilliant at many levels.  It would show the Democrat Party ‘Agenda’ hidden by Obama and the Clintons (since they can’t win by being honest about policies and intent.)   Bernie, on the other hand, would be very open to exposing creeping Socialism in the modern Democrat Party. 

Another brilliant aspect was that Bernie would rise in popularity with the anti-Trump and anti-Hillary crowds, and some even thought that Trump was giving Sanders a boost up when most needed, going into the final voting day.  California and New Jersey are critical in this cycle.

A few days later, Trump announced that funding had not come through and the ‘debate’ would not be happening.  There are two things to remember about Donald J. Trump:  (1) he is a negotiator, and the deal isn’t on or off the table until the Fat Lady sings (meaning, it could be back on this weekend);  and (2) like an umpire, Trump has called it, and to be the leader, he isn’t going to reverse the call, unless … 

Additionally, Trump says ‘why should I debate #2?’ and this builds the suspense for when he debates the Democrat Party nominee.  Although he questions if Crocked Hillary will even make it through their Convention, Trump could be giving Mrs Clinton a hands up, for now.

Debates are traditionally not watched much, and with Hillary not doing interviews (when she talks her popularity goes down) Trump is building an audience for the main debate. She needs it and some call it Operation Chaos II.

Here is the scheduled debate schedule for the 2016 General Election:

First presidential debate: Monday, Sept. 26, 2016, at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio
Vice presidential debate: Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016, at Longwood University in Farmville, Va.
Second presidential debate: Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016, at Washington University in St. Louis
Third presidential debate: Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Memorial Day BIO for Charles E. Shipp (Northrop Career)

BIO of Charlie Shipp (Memorial Day 2016, May 30th)
We are just ordinary people (Lynnette and I) doing extraordinary things and experiencing mini-miracles. It’s been an amazing ride and we are now semi-retired and working together as agents of Melaleuca, grandparents of one shy of 20 grandchildren, so amazing are they, from CA, to ID and CO.  We met in a choir in SLC and sing in the Southern California Mormon Choir, having sung in Washington DC on Memorial Day and at Lincoln Center with the US Air Force Concert Band.

Having graduated from BYU and then a Masters Degree from Univ of Utah in laser physics, music, stat/math, I hired into Northrop and saved the world about seven times, you may be interested:

(The reason I mention this is because I have friends who serve, not on the front lines, but in ways to fight the new wars to defend America and keep our women and children safe, mainly with technology.  I worked in Scientific Programming, first with lasers but when mgt discovered I could program, I always programmed for the senior scientist.)

T-38   Trainer plane for the Air Force, and predecessor to the F-5
F-5     Freedom Fighter military aircraft for 20 free world countries
TISEO     Missile guidance for military aircraft, dogfighting planes 20 miles away.
STARS     Guided missile star constellation recognition, in-flight
FLIGHT-SIMULATION     Also, wind-tunnel flight testing of models
Nuclear Harding     The technology to withstand counter-measures
AIRS/MX     Advanced nuclear missile guidance, won the Cold War
F-18 for the Navy  and   B-2 for the Air Force   and Joint-Force Cruise Missile
   There were other programs.  When I first started in 1969 (yes, nearly 50 yrs ago) I would write at least three ad-hoc programs for the senior scientist and other managers each week.  These were amazing ways to defend America, and that was 25 to 50 years ago! 

Before my time, the Black Widow military aircraft of Northrop, with newly invented radar, prevented Nazi Germany from totally destroying London with their bombing.  QUESTION: Who lost more lives?  Neville Chamberlain, the pacifist, or Winston Churchill in a defensive war?  QUESTION: Why did we lose the Vietnam War after we had won on the battlefield?  Because of Liberalism in the press. Expect this to not happen again!  Having saved America from the Evil abroad, it is time to save America from the Evil within.  It is not just the physical safety but spiritual safety.  Think of the Founding Fathers, so much smarter and inspired with the Constitution and original papers.    This is why we do NOTES: to get the Truth out.

Do you want NOTES (1) M-F;  or (2) Friday-only;   or (3) Last Friday only (once a month) ???
Going into the General Election, do you have coworkers we should add to our eList(s) ?
What comments/suggestions do you have for us?  We want NOTES to help you the most.

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