Thursday, December 3, 2015

Rudy Giuliani, "If you can't see this as Jihad, you're a moron!"

ED (political comment)  Last evening we were at our Christmas choir practice:
Southern California Mormon Choir. A daughter (and husband and baby) live
in the same condo as the San Bernardino murderers. She was told she had
to evacuate immediately and she left with her baby—husband was at work in
lockdown. They live just through the wall of the now dead perpetrators.
  Those who want to know details immediately are out of order.    And
also, what we need is to have more concealed weapons and training.
Concealed weapons can turn ‘soft’ targets into ‘hard’ targets .!.
FYI: Daughter/family of our choir friends have a common condo-wall w/Jihadists.
They used a battering ram on the Jihad-condo door to go in. Friends know other details.

If this isn’t terrorism, then what is it?  Who enabled this??
"If you don’t see this for what it is, then you are a moron” - Rudy Giuliani
If we don’t act, then we are the authors of our own destruction.
Some legislators fear to articulate what we all see and understand.
CA has strong gun control;  not a deterrent;  they made IEDs
FoxNews Megyn Kelly and guests spoke the best, says Rush Limbaugh.
Just early this week, Obama said we could rest easy, no threats;
… this admits that his Regime isn’t doing a proper job, says Rush.
Today, Obama says (1) We’ll get to the bottom of this (i.e., himself);
 and (2) We need gun control.  [ED: OK! but more citizen guns!]
Rush:  If you cannot see what is going on, you simply are not trying.
Rush:  Islamic-Jihad is not terrorism?  This is stunning and eye-opening.
CAIR was with the Jihadist’s brother even before the FBI was.
Rush: It’s simple and boils down to Sharia Law and their scripture/manual.

Friday, November 20, 2015

"My God" is greater than "Your God" .!.

God is greatest! God is greatest!              [“Allahu Akbar” means “God is GREATER!”]
Say With Me 
Woe To The Colonialist
And God is Over The Invader Egotist,
God Greatest My Country Say with Me:
And Behold of Enemies Forelock and Destroy it
Say it with me, say it with me:
God, God, God is the Greatest
God is above any attacker!

"Allahu Akbar" was originally an Egyptian military marching song which became popular in Egypt and Syria during the Suez Canal War of 1956 .

Saturday, November 14, 2015

2nd Democrat Party Primary Debate (HRClinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley)

2nd Democrat Debate (2015 Primary race)   9pmET November 14 {HRClinton, B.Sanders, O’Malley}
NOTE details:  we will write the topics of discussion and anything we learn that is ‘notable’.
We are not sure why we are watching this except to tell you.  Can we take it for two hours?
Rush says B.Sanders won’t be allowed to win, and O’Malley is just there to provide an opponent.

Openings: Sanders is shocked w/ISIS; H.Rodham Bring the world together; O’Malley My heart goes out.

Terror Attacks
HRC:  We have special operators;  I’ll be the Commander-In-Chief; the world will do it, diplomatically.
O’Malley: I disagree;  we must rise with human intelligence.
Sanders:   Climate Change is a bigger threat, leading to ISIS.

Sanders:  Regime change has unintended consequences.  O’Malley: Cascading effect of HRClinton.
HRClinton:  Assad has hung on—it is complicated.  [She is talking with her hands, trying to impress.]
Sanders: Those Muslim nations have to get their boots on the ground—we can support them.

HRClinton:  We did have a plan.  [Still talking forcibly with her hands, but want is she saying?]
O’Malley:  We need to act intelligently and the area is a mess. A Mom said, “My son is not a boot on the ground.”
Sanders:  500,000 came home with post-war-syndrome—they fought for us, we should fight for them.

Sanders wants fewer nuclear and modern weapons (brings up his own topic)

Syria Refugees:
O’Malley:  I was the first to support accepting the 65,000.
HRClinton:  Screen the 65,000;  Russia showed a video shot of secret drone plans.

{The first commercial ad is an R-rated movie ad; anti-Walmart union ad; five more.}

Who pays for [freebees]?
HRC:  Certainly not the middle class;  get jobs going again. Read details on my website.
“We will have to re-do the way the pharmaceutical companies do business.”
O’Malley:  We raised sales tax a penny and made our public schools the best in America.  Climate Change.  Lower capital gains tax.   We can work towards free colleges.
Sanders:  The redistribution has trillions going to the top tenth of 1%.  Eisenhower had 90% tax.

Healthcare costs/Obamacare:  
HRC:  A great achievement of Democrats.  Let’s build on the Affordable Care Act (for everyone).
Sanders:  I am on the committee that wrote the Affordable Care Act;  [attack] pharmaceutical.  Universal healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

O’Malley jumps in and insists on talking over the moderator;  however, “Senator, you are breaking the rules and we have to break for a commercial.”  Six ads, ending with a clip of xxx saying he can work with the president, “Sure!”

Comprehensive Amnesty on condition of Borders:
O’Malley:  Donald Trump is a carnival-barker   [cheers]  We had zero immigration from Mexico.
HRClinton:  The president has appealed to the Supreme Court:  he has the authority.  Dreamers.
Sanders:  At the end of the day, millions work two jobs because the Minimum Wage is too low.

O’Malley jumps in to say they raised the minimum wage to $10 and it created jobs and economic growth.   Sanders demands to jump in to say San Francisco and other are doing it.  Hillary supports
$12 minimum  (still talking with her hands, so annoying.) O’Malley argues back. They are talking over each other, and you get the Hillary cackle as the moderator goes to commercial break, again. 

Wall Street Money:
HRC:  People know that I will level the playing field.  Look what I did in the Senate.
Sanders:  Not good enough.  Let’s not be naïve. Break of the Big Six banks w/50% of the money.
Sanders:  They make millions in contributions and expect to get something.
HRC demands to jump in to defend her integrity: the majority are women.  On 9/11 I worked to rebuild NYC and Wall Street.  I go after all of Wall Street and not just Wall Street.
Sanders:  It is a corrupt campaign finance system; show by example. 
O’Malley:  We need new thinking on economics in the Whitehouse.  HRC is ‘weak team’.
[They are attacking each other and talking about Glass Steagall and banks destroying us.]

Sanders:  Who are we kidding?  The banks played by the rules.  Who made the rules?

HRC:  Well, I think there are different records;  Sanders made a terrible mistake.   200 children have been killed.  This is an emergency. 
Sanders:  We need mental health checks. 
O’Malley:  Secretary Clinton, you’ve been on three sides of this, like Annie Oakley.  [She laughs.]
Sanders: People are shouting at each other, not you Mrs Clinton.  We need to come together.

Twitter  “What does helping on 9/11 have to do with taking large donations?”   Bla-bla-Blah.

HRC:  Paul Krugman is on my side.  I don’t think a new Glass-Steagall is enough.
O’Malley:  Go on my website and donate to support real campaign finance reform. 
ED NOTE:  All three are talking with their hands, with wild gestures, fun to watch.  (Ads).

How do you deal with the Republican revolution?
Sanders:  Make the wealthy pay their share;  Minimum wage is popular;  bring people together.
We have large rallies and are defeating the secretary with the young people.
[Ed:  When pressed, he says he is still tired of HRClinton’s eMail; and we get her human chuckle.]
HRC:  We need more to vote and Republicans are preventing people from voting.

FBI Investigations:    HRC:  After 11 hours that is clear [cleared up] Get back to issues.
HRC:  All of us believe in Climate Change and funding Planned Parenthood. [Fight Republicans.}

Police Officers: 
O’Malley:  I put forth a new agenda.   I attend more grave sides.  Yes, Black Lives Matter.

Young and Black:
Sanders:  We spend $80billion, disproportionately Black and Hispanic. Let states legalize marijuana.
HRClinton:  I came from the 60s and activism.  I appreciate youth standing up, respect each other.
A White man pulled out a gun and shot a Mother and daughter over their loud radio.

Free Tuition:
Sanders:  An extraordinary investment for this country.  The debt is too large; if they study hard, with no regard to the resources of their families.  States are running deficits but will do the right thing. 
O’Malley:  I actually did this, the only state.  Etc.  Make a new block-grant; lower loan rate.
HRClinton insists on jumping in, even thought she was the only one who hadn’t spoken.  We don’t need to pay for Donald Trump’s kids to go to college.

Sanders:  It won’t happen tomorrow, but at the end of the day [universal socialism] Single Payer.
HRC:  The revolution never came.  We have the great accomplishment [Obamacare].  I would not want Sander’s plan to have the state support everything put together.
Sanders: We expand Medicare to all people;  SC is Rightwing and denies people.

O’Malley wants to add his two-cents worth but is denied because of a commercial break, “Sorry.”

 What Crisis shows you lead:
HRC:  There have been so many (laughter)  Advising Obama to go after Ben Lauden.    In the end, I advised doing what we could to go after him.  I had to keep it a secret.
O’Malley:  I don’t think there is a crisis in my position that rises to that level.  But I can protect.
You learn to build feedback;  I have lead and governed people in a crisis.
Sanders:  I was on the Committee over Veteran Hospitals, determined to do everything I could.

Closing statements:
O’Malley:  No amount is too small to donate to my campaign. We are at the threshold.
Sec.Clinton:  Heard a lot about me; I’ll think about you.  Children.  Even the odds.  Caucus for me.

Sanders:  This country has the wealth; no healthcare; childhood poverty. Bring political revolution.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

4th DEBATE last evening (color commentary) Click and scroll to read it all .!.

Our Conservative Report on the 4th DEBATE, 11/10/2015
 There were great points (four hopefuls) in the ‘under-card’ debate, but we
focus on the color/high-points of our top favorites only. Find a transcript.

Our thinking: (1) main candidates could say the same; (2) Transcripts exist.

The color guard presented the Stars and Stripes, followed by a solo. 
The audience must have been told to not sing (singer was not that good.)
There was no accompaniment and she drifted up and down on the pitch!
Next, a prepared video to introduce the debate (at 9:01pmET) Road to WH.
It ends with a short clip of Ronald Reagan, speaking at the mic, red tie.

Neil Cavuto says they will quote their own words and what others replied.

Minimum Wage ($15), for Trump:  No.  We are being beaten on every front. We don’t win anymore; my Tax Plan will work.  Leave it the way it is; people work hard. “I would not raise the minimum.”  [He re-coins, leaving out ‘wage’.]

Jobs and minimum wage, for Carson:  People need to be educated on the minimum wage; only 19.8% of Black teenagers have a job.  I worked as a lab assistant, gaining experience.  Be responsible.  Ascend the ladder of opportunity.

Giving away $$, for Rubio:  Let me answer this and the first question (parents worked for a better life in America.)  The Economy is not providing JOBS. Raise the minimum wage and low-earners will be replaced with machines.  Here’s a better way:  ……   For the life of me, I don’t know why we have stigmatized laborers:  welders make more than philosophers.

$20TRILLION IN DEBT, for Kasich:  My Father carried mail on his back.
[Our note on this one is an example of not typing while he filibusters.]

Tax Reform, for Cruz:  It’s the most important question:  bring back economic growth.  The Obama Economy is a disaster, and it doesn’t have to be.  1. Tax reform, a bold 10% flat tax;  2. Pull back regulators;  3. Sound money.  The results have been phenomenal when tried with JFK and Ronald Reagan.
[On the other hand, our note here is an example of typing brilliance.]

Many have given up, for Bush:  WSJ praises my plan. Repeal every rule of Obama.  Start over.  Be serious about being serious. HRClinton says the policies of Barack Obama get an ‘A’.  It may be the best that she can do, but it is not the best that America can do.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Second Debate (condensed text, color commentary)

 My NOTES on the Second Republican Debate:

Debate Two at the Reagan Library on September 16th 2015

At 5pmPT, candidates are walking in on the second floor around Air Force One;  Jeb Bush leads with the escort, Carly Fiorina in a purple dress, and Trump at the end, visiting with another candidate.  In pre-analysis, CNN John King is fair (mainly) and Jeffrey Lord has the correct perspective.  Some probably want Trump to win so the Democrat can win later (in their view) and one can hope that Democrat will be retired Marine Virginian Jim Webb .

Pictures were taken of the 15 candidates standing in a line.  [We are not listening to the pre-analysis, but see  Wolfe Blitzer take it from Anderson Cooper and his panel.]  Dr Ben Carson is saying something to Donald Trump, Jeb Bush on the other side of Trump who is center-stage.   Carly opens her water bottle; they all have a blank pad and a pen.  [movie ad; car ad; CNN ad; movie ad.  Did CNN pay like Trump wanted?]

Jake Taper is standing and welcoming the 11 leading Republican candidates, “Anything can happen!”  Nancy Reagan is in attendance.   The Salem Radio Network goes around the world—Hugh Hewitt and Dana Bash are seated and will join in. 

Self-introductions, from left to right, Trump in the middle because of polling.
Senator Rand Paul introduces himself, highlighting the Constitution; Huckabee says none of them are under federal investigation, rather the A-Team;  Marco Rubio mentions his wife and children and love of country;  Ted Cruz is the son of immigrants, a Dad of two little girls, only one to stand up;  Ben Carson is with his wife Candy; very concerned about direction and future of children; retake our right, welcomes Carly Fiorina;  Donald Trump: I made billions (not bragging), take care of our vets, make America great again.  Jeb Bush to fix a broken DC, rise up again;  Scott Walker praises Ronald Reagan, took on WI status quo, go big and bold;  Cary Fiorina (pause)  Good evening, my story, husband drove a tow truck, potential is being crushed.  Ohio Gov John Kasich, I flew on this plane with Reagan, restore the shining city on a hill.  NJ Chris Christie, take the camera off of me and put it on the audience:  “How many of you feel you have a better life and government because of Barack Obama?”  [no one]  Etc.

Would Trump be dangerous controlling the nuclear codes?
Carly:  He is a wonderful person as an entertainer. It will be revealed over time.
Trump:  Rand Paul is #11 and shouldn’t be on the stage;  I have a great temperament.  I’m a businessman.
Paul:  I laugh. Do we want careless language?  I worry about Trump; is it JrHS.
Trump: I’ve been in politics, on the other side, I’ve done well in politics—now number one.
Bush: The next president will have to fix instability and it requires a steadiness.
Scott Walker jumps in:  You are using the talking points [of Obama] look at bankruptcy.
Trump:  Everybody knows I never went bankrupt. You tubed in Iowa.  You lost $2.2Billion.
Walker:  Just because he says it doesn’t make it true [Details] Take note of this.

Taper wants to move on, but Kasich insists to say: TV viewers will turn it off unless we get issues.
Christie: I’m a Republican in NJ and wake up every morning as an outsider.
Carson: Typically, politicians do what is expedient; but I’m concerned with divisiveness, people have already seen who is a politician and who is not.
Carly: A fish is bad but only swims in water.  Vets die; border is open; leaders must challenge.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Helen, of Troy

Remember the beauty of the Greek mortal goddess, Helen of Troy-Greece? We can only imagine her excellent beauty. And she had a great personality and spirit, a special daughter of God, (we can hope).  Anyway, the Romans felt they should go to war over Helen of Troy, at least that was their excuse and reason to motivate the 'low-information-voters'.

Take the words of Rush Limbaugh of a few years back, "Do you really want to watch a woman like Mrs Clinton age in the White House?"  Her pictures on are dreadful!

Today, wouldn't it be better to see the lovely, gracious, and talented (and beautiful) Mrs Melania Trump as First Lady.  Yes, some people factor in the other half.  Look at how much Mrs Obama has done to influence POTUS Obama.

The 'mission' of Melania as First Lady had been announced by Donald Trump:  'women causes'.  He says that women love him and his Mom was great.  He said his wife of ten years is great, as is his daughter, Ivanka Trump.

GIVE IT SOME THOUGHT.   What do you think?

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Republican Debate at the Reagan Library

September 16th is the next debate. What are your thought?

Visit and sign up for quotes, notes, and notifications:

Wednesday, August 26, 2015